A MOTHER’S CRY by J.E. Greene

by J.E. Greene

I am the mother of two African American males. That fact alone makes my voice a necessity in society. Through the years, I have experienced both joy and excruciating pain because of this. I have seen them conquer and be deeply wounded by various obstacles that the journey called “life” brings their way. I have laughed wholeheartedly with them at their successes. Likewise, I have cried from my soul at their failures.

As I was raising my sons, they were both extremely involved in sports. Over time, I began to notice that the fathers of the boys playing at these events were most usually and obviously absent. Whenever, the boys would experience the highs and lows involved with organized sports, it would be the mothers on hand to deal with the effect on our sons. This fact really bothered me.

In addition, there were mothers who were sometimes present, but not actively involved. I remember once I was screaming and yelling at one of my son’s games and he asked me to tone it down. Smile. Immediately, one of his teammates said to him, “Man I love how your mom acts at the games. It shows she loves you. I have been playing ball for years and my mom hasn’t been to one game.”

Both of my sons had friends who would come to visit our home, and end up spending nights! One day I asked a young man did his mother know where he was and why hadn’t I heard from her about her son staying at my home. He responded that she didn’t really care where he was. She never asked him where he was going or what he was doing.

That day, something was ignited in my spirit. I couldn’t even imagine how a mother could be so emotionally removed from her children. What could SHE possibly be dealing with that would allow her to be so disconnected from the daily life of her children? What was making her spirit so weary that she had no energy left to bond with her children? What could I do to help HER? What could I do to help mothers understand that we have a predestined responsibility to our children that does not end when we hand them over to the teacher on the first day of school. We have a life-long commitment and we must honor it.

That day, “A Mother’s Cry” organization was birthed in my spirit. It is my desire to provide a format wherein both mothers and children will find healthy, secure and productive life relationships. AMC (A Mother’s Cry) provides assistance and uplifting to mothers through seminars; workshops; retreats; empowerment groups and book clubs. It is my desire that mothers form a bond with other mothers and learn their power and importance of their VOICE. We are often the voices of and for our children. We cry physically and verbally with and for them. We stand with and for them.  Helping mothers understand and appreciate their worth will consequently help our children be the best that they are destined to be.

About the Author

Jamesina Greene
manages more than speaking engagements as the owner of DESTNE Enterprises. Jamesina’s commitment to leading her fan-base with thought-provoking inspiration stems from her experience in helping others in transition.

Jamesina began her journey towards motivation at the age of 17. While most teens made the usual high school memories, Jamesina became an ordained minister, writer and speaker. After building an early foundation, she immediately created a platform, which allowed her to share the Gospel to others. With years of Entrepreneurship already under her belt, Jamesina expanded her brand, through singing, songwriting, authoring and other avenues. A former Residential Counselor and Mentor, Jamesina leverages over 30 years of knowledge of Christianity to bring Destine Enterprises to God's people throughout the world – as an ordained minister.

It is Jamesina's literary work which has earned her numerous recognition. She is the author of six self-published works and a Contributing Author of a Bestseller, written with other Mothers. Her first book, Help, I Don't Like Myself!, shares her personal experience with Depression and the the true story of her escape from depression, and her daily walk to maintain her deliverance. In addition to her books, she is writer of a Blog, “I AM a Voice” and Host of “The Voice of Triumph” Radio Show. She is the Founder of the “A Mother’s Cry” organization and hosts an Annual Conference to encourage and minister to the hurt, wounded and the broken.

Learn more about how Jamesina is leaving her mark by visiting: www.jamee2001.wordpress.com, www.jamigreeneministries.com, on Facebook and Twitter @SheInspires61. To schedule an interview with Jamesina, send an email to: destne61@gmail.com.