Bonding Thru Books Literary Festival
Celebrating Our Legacy 365!
November 19-25, 2014
Share this Hashtag: #BondingThruBooks
Hosted by Ella Curry, EDC Creations Media Group
Bonding Thru Books Weekend, is a totally ONLINE book festival hosted by EDC Creations Media Group. Every year we present a very diverse author showcase with live readings, writer's workshops, book club panel discussions, and several awesome book giveaways. Join BAN Radio Show host Ella D. Curry, avid readers, book bloggers and publishing industry insiders.
If we are to survive in this nation, we all have to learn to recognize and respect the fundamental differences between races, cultures, and our diverse socio- economic human rights. It is our hope that through the community panels we can highlight the differences in our ideas and attitudes, yet still embrace a sophisticated dialog. We aim to share life's exhilarating variety, while eliminating much of the assumptions and fear surrounding our lives.
It is our mission to connect readers with the authors of quality books, written with a purpose. We offer books that will change their lives! Instead of giving expensive gifts that don't shape lives, let's Give the Gift of Knowledge, pay it forward and help to strengthen our future generations by sharing our wonderful literary legacy!
Night 1, Nov 19:
Night 2, Nov 20:
Night 3, Nov 21:
Night 4, Nov 22:
Night 5, Nov 23:
Night 6, Nov 24:
Night 7, Nov 25:
Bonding Thru Books Literary Festival
Share this Hashtag: #BondingThruBooks
Hosted Ella Curry, EDC Creations Media Group
BTB Official Bookstore:
Chatroom for readers:
Wednesday Night, November 19 at 8:00-11:00 pm (EST)
Defenders of the Heart: Fiction Authors Showcase
Listen to the Show Here, Night 1, Nov 19:
*8:00 - Deborah Johnson - The Secret of Magic
*8:30 - Renee Daniel Flagler, Society Wives
*9:00 - William F. Cooper, Unbreakable
*9:15 - EN Joy, More Than I Can Bear
*9:30 - Ann Jeffries and Gracie Hill (pre-recorded)
*9:45 - Leiann B. Wrytes, Virtuous Deception
Join us in the BAN Radio Chatroom at 8-11pm EST: Tell at least 10 people about this online event. We have great book giveaways each night in the chatroom! Spread the word! Thank you!
Thursday night, November 20 at 8:00-11:00 pm (EST)
We're celebrating mind, body and spirit on DAY 2 of the Bonding Thru Books Festival. We have an awesome author lineup and the community panel discussion is titled: 1000 Steps: Overcoming Life's Obstacles Panel Discussion!
Listen to the Show Here, Night 2, Nov 20:
* 8:00 - Lauren Francis-Sharma, 'Til the Well Runs Dry
*8:30 - Lutishia Lovely, founder of A Lovely Day Experience
*8:45 - Pamela Samuels Young, Anybody's Daughter
1000 Steps: Overcoming Life's Obstacles Panel Discussion
Thursday night, November 20 at 9-11:00 pm EST
We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. —Martin Luther King, Jr.
Turning Mishaps to Ministry: The importance of learning to love yourself! We are discussing finding solace from within first! The panelist will discuss how your health determines your leadership abilities and the importance of balance in our lives. We are discussing the power of forgiveness, clean eating, health, fitness, mental health, meditation & healing, depression & recovery and financial literacy.
How We Love: Health, Marriage & Family Ties: Life coaches, ministers and authors will talk about their motivation for writing books that teach, guide and empower our community on how to achieve overall health and wellness, as we build stronger leadership roles in our personal and professional lives. This unique radio opportunity will provide valuable information on how to achieve balance between mind, body and spirit. Finding balance in life is real!
Listen to the Show Here, Night 2, Nov 20:
*Cheryl Donovan, founder Cheryl Lacey Donovan Ministries
* Kristin L. Mitchell, He Wasn't My Daddy
*Lá Tanyha Boyd, International Host of Spiritual Food for Thought Global Radio
* Villa Powell, Thirty Day Journey Toward Transformation
* Makasha Dorsey, First Family Secrets (The Church House, Book 1)
* Lisa Renee Johnson, founder of I Got Sunshine. women’s empowerment movement
* Live Out Loud, 52 Weeks to Reawaken Your Spirit and Live a Life of Purpose By Melisa Alaba
Friday Night, November 21 at 8:00-11:00 pm (EST)
The Lies Lovers Tell Author Showcase
Listen to the Show Here, Night 3, Nov 21:
*8:00 - Trice Hickman, Troublemaker
*8:15 - Victoria Warren Jackson, Untraditional Love In The Dark
*8:30 - RM Johnson, My Wife's Baby: I'm Not a Murderer
*8:45 - Electa Rome Parks, These Boots Were Made for Stalking
The Pleasure Principles Panel Discussion
Friday Night, November 21 at 9:00-11:00 pm (EST)
Topic of Discussion - The Pleasure Principles: Truly adult conversation! We are discussing the art of writing Erotica, Urban Lit and Fantasy novels. The relationship panel discussion will include topics New Sexual Revolution: Polyamory-multi-partnered relationships; maintaining monogamy in a digital age; online & long distance dating; alternate lifestyle choices; tips for building long lasting relationships.
Listen to the Show Here, Night 3, Nov 21:
Co-host: Shakir Rashaan, author of the Nubian Underworld series, including The Awakening, Legacy, and Tempest
Co-host: N'Tyse, National bestselling author of Twisted Vows of Seduction and executive producer of the documentary series, Beneath My Skin.
*Lutishia Lovely, founder of A Lovely Day Experience, Author of THE PERFECT DECEPTION
*Denise Bolds, Raising Princes to be Kings; A Single Black Mother's Guide to Raising Her Black Son
* Shana Johnson-Burton, Flawbulous
*Valarie Prince, Novel: The Virus: When Love Turns Deadly
*Naleighna Kai, Was it Good For You Too and Open Door Marriage
* Lorna L.A. Lewis, co-author Signed, Sealed, Delivered…I’m Yours
Saturday night, November 22, 2014 at 6:30-9:30 pm (EST)
Get Ya Read On- YA Readers and Fiction
We are celebrating National Family Stories Month! We all have family stories, tall tales and folklore based on our communities. They are entertaining, yet powerful because they serve to connect our families through the ages. By telling our family stories, we can preserve family history and unlock conversations that can become history lessons too.
Beacons For the Future - Fiction Book Showcase
Five remarkably talented, authors will talk about their motivation for writing, how they prepared to be an author, how they crafted their unique stories.
Topic of Discussion: How to promote a book for children in the digital age. We are discussing ways to engage young readers. Speakers will share their journey as children's book writers.
Listen to the Show, Night 4, Nov 22:
* 6:30 - Janet Autherine Mahon, Growing into Greatness with God:7 Paths to Greatness for our Sons and Daughters
* 6:45 - Michelle M. Spady, ShoozyQ and the AB Crew in Bully on the Playground
* 7:00 - Shelia Goss, Jasmine: Lip Gloss Chronicles
* 7:30 - Necole Ryse, The Missing - play legacy recording
* 7:45 - Jean Love Cush, ENDANGERED
Speculative Fiction, Mystery and Thriller Showcase
Saturday night, November 22, 2014
Each author will read from their book and share how they went about getting their fiction books published. Readers will experience surreal speculative fiction, post-apocalyptic YA novels, spy thrillers, and the wild dystopian trilogies!
Listen to the Show, Night 4, Nov 22:
* 8:00 - SD Skye, A No Good Itch (A J.J. McCall Novel) Book 3
* 8:15 - Alexandra Lane, A Vision of Angels: The Battle Begins
* 8:30 - Nakia LaShaul, Locked in Purgatory
Author Readings Pre- Recorded
* Cerece Rennie Murphy, Order of the Seers Trilogy
* The Last King: Book 1 by A. Yamina Collins
Sunday night, November 23 at 8:00-11:00 pm EST.
Our Cup Runneth Over: Good Health and Peace of Mind
Bedrock Faith: Christian Fiction Author Showcase
FEATURED AUTHORS AND SPEAKERSListen to the Show Here, Night 5, Nov 23:
* 8:00 - Ella Curry Give Out Tips and Advice; Introduce Crown Holders
* 8:15 - Ruth Watson, An Elderberry Fall
* 8:30 - Colette R. Harrell, The Devil Made Me Do It
* 8:45 - Julia Blues, The Last Exhale
* 9:00 - Tyora Moody, Oven Baked Secrets
* 9:15 - Bonnie Taylor-Williams, With These Hands: A Country Girl Came to Town
Shaking the Tree: Publicity & PR Pros Panel Discussion
Sunday Night, November 23 at 9:30-11:00 pm (EST)
“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind!” — Jim Morrison
Topic of Discussion - Shaking the Tree: Marketing and PR in the Digital Age
Shaking the tree means taking action that makes something happen! We are discussing innovative ways to market and promote any product in this digital age. We will also discuss the different services each magazine or company offer authors, business owners and readers. With ebooks and digital music becoming all the rage, how do you capture the attention of bookclubs and readers? How do you stand out? How are your supporting the arts? How are we mixing traditional marketing with social media marketing?
The challenge for book lovers today is discovery. How do readers find out about new books and plays by established and emerging writers? What books are they reading and reviewing now? How do the readers grade the publishing industry? We will address all of these questions during the panel discussion. Meet established reviewers, book bloggers, virtual tour hosts, radio hosts, bookstore owners and book club members. During this panel, we will show listeners how books can open your universe!
Listen to the Show Here, Night 5, Nov 23:
*Tonya Shirelle, ES Communications Agency & Infinite Xpression Publishing
*Tyora Moody, The Literary Entrepreneur Toolkit
*TaNisha Webb, Publisher of Book Club 101 Magazine
*LaShaunda Hoffman, Shades Of Romance Magazine
*Renee’ Sunday, M.D. is the founder of Sunday Publishing Company, Host of Good Deeds Radio & TV Show
Monday night, November 24 at 8:00-9:00 pm EST
Books Without Borders Author Showcase
Topic of Discussion - Books Without Borders: We are discussing the art of writing historical fiction and writing books that are in settings or take place outside the USA.
Books by African American writers should be read around the world, which is our belief! We bring wonderful stories to the minds and imaginations of everyone. We have stories to tell, using our voices and our experiences, that speaks to all races and cultures. During the Bonding Thru Books Literary Festival, we will introduce readers to cross-genre books meant to be enjoyed by ALL READERS, period! We want readers, all readers, from all races, to appreciate the work of authors of color!
Listen to the Show Here, Night 6, Nov 24:
* 8:00 - Breena Clarke, ANGELS MAKE THEIR HOPE HERE
* 8:15 - Marlene Banks, Gunmen Have No Sabbath
* 8:30 - Piper Hughley, The Mayor's Mission
* 8:45 - Navi Robins, Walking Among the Shadows: Awakening
* 9:00 - Sherryle K. Jackson, Submissionary
* 9:30 -The Deadly Rose, An Assassin's Tale By J. M. Lominy
Behind the Curtain: Balancing Life, Weight, Career and Care-giving
Monday night, November 24 at 9:00-11:00 pm EST
Igniting the Power Within: Define Yourself, Redefine the World
Our guest speakers represent greatness and courage as they share their moving testimonies. We invite you to join the discussion to share your stories of triumph and survival too! Call into the radio programs to speak up and out. You may not feel that you are one to mentor or minister to others, but you never know. Your testimony might heal a hurting person. Your struggle might eliminate the pain in someone else’s future.
Listen to the Show Here, Night 6, Nov 24:
*Renee Wiggins, Being Fabulously Fit in God's Kingdom: A 40-Day Journey to Wellness
*Brittani D. Williams, It's Not a Piece of Cake Nutritional Coaching and Education
*Tess Tims, author of The 3C's System: Your One Evening Guide to Health and Wealth Creation
*Dr. Sheronda Orridge, PH. D. - Life Coach / Life Coach Trainer, Loving Spirit Life Coach Academy LLC
*Joyce A. Brown, Getting Away With Everything
*Martha Kennerson, author of Consequences
Tuesday night, November 25, 2014 at 8:00-11:00 pm EST
Who Motivates the Motivator: The importance of women empowerment and balance in our business lives. We are also discussing the personal protection of women, mental & physical wellness, financial literacy and hospice and caring of elders in the home.
Listen to the Show Here, Night 7, Nov 25:
* 8:00 - Nika Beamon, Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House, a medical memoir
* 8:15 - Annie Brown, My Little People: A Social Worker’s Journey
* 8:30 - Charmaine Galloway, author of Golden
* 8:45 - Andrea Foy, author of Hire Power - How to Find, Get and Keep a Job

The Black Pearls Bookstore is now fully stocked. Please browse all of the shelves, we have some awesome book selections for you! Keep our authors in mind for your holiday gifts and for your Books-of-the-Month coming in 2015. Bring all of your friends to the BTB Official Bookstore:
Read the ebooks on your smartphone, tablet, device, or computer by downloading the FREE Kindle reading app from here: