Intimate Conversation with Titus Joseph
Titus Joseph has a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy with a minor in religious studies and a Master’s degree in counseling. Mr. Joseph has worked throughout his life as a counselor and at present, he develops group homes for individuals with disabilities. Titus identifies most as a philosopher - which is to say - a lover of wisdom. Though grateful for his formal education, above all else, it’s the love of wisdom that motivates him and I think you will find out why as you read Our Curious World of Mirror Images (
BPM: What motivated you to sit down and actually start writing this book?
I became motivated to write this book due to the times that we are in. Our sense of reality has changed a lot due to the history that we are experiencing. Reality has become more fluid and we have witnessed some amazing history play out. The book actually began sometime in the 1980’s. This means that I grew up from my mid-20’s to middle age, marinating and thinking about this new holistic concept while witnessing history play out and also, keeping up with the science as it hits the news. Incorporating the science comes naturally to me because of my educational background. My mind thinks in holistic terms so because of the maturity in the time since its’ been over 25 years now, the abundance of scientific evidence, and personal development, and also because the Mayan calendar’s change of time that occurred at the end of 2012. This resonates with me as true so I’m thinking, write the book.
BPM: Does your upbringing or life experiences inspire your writing?
Absolutely, there is nothing that I can write that is not informed through daily experience. Our thoughts are formed in our experiences. The experiences are types of thoughts and the way we reflect on them forms a meta-layer of thought that involves how we reconcile ourselves to it. But of my background, I was born by the sea and my father was a fisherman. My mom came to America seeking a better life for us meaning a more materialistic life. Life was good living by the sea, eating fresh delicious food. Good food, but materialism is demanding. My mom got a job doing domestic work at a home in the northern suburbs of Chicago. I went to one of the best high schools in the country and I was always a good student, particularly in biology. Today I am a father and a husband to my wife, and frankly because of that family context – I have the resources and I am able to write. Of course, I have to thank the universe for being and providing.
BPM: Do you write full-time? Do you write every day? Do you have a special time to write?
I do not write full-time and I would only be writing every day if I were in the midst of a creative period of time. My special time to write is definitely in early morning. I develop group homes for individuals with disabilities; this work keeps me grounded and provides the balance that I need to sustain the faithful process in writing a book.
BPM: Do you ever let the book stew – leave it for months and then come back to it?
Absolutely! This is a very important point. The creative process involves time itself. Yes, we have an impulse, a thought, a creative moment, but the telling of a story is determined by the ending, so time has to be accessed. Sometimes I can feel that spinning wheel sensation when I am wasting time trying to “do,” when for now, it is time to rest.
BPM: Where do your book ideas come from? Are your books plot driven or character driven?
Book ideas come from subconscious thought processes. There is an ongoing level of consciousness that transcends one’s own conscious mind. The subconscious mind transcends individuals and incorporates whole societies. It is from these sub-conscious thought processes that new events emerge in consciousness, including books.
BPM: Introduce us to your current work. What separates this story from the millions of other books on the shelves? Is this book available in digital forms like Nook and Kindle?
“Our Curious World of Mirror Images: Reflections on how Symmetry Frames our Universe, Empowers the Creative Process and Provides Context to Shape our Lives” (published by Balboa Press), opens up our eyes to a spiritual way of thinking that is relevant because it uses hard science as well as ancient philosophy to confirm an amazing new idea. The seamless interplay between science and spirituality demonstrates that space and time exist in the meaning of the words Alpha and Omega. This book is available at all local resellers, directly from the author’s website at, and is available as a digital book, hard cover edition or soft cover.
BPM: Can you outline some areas where your book dealt with issues that are in current affairs?
In science today, there is great excitement and controversy about where the science is leading. Here’s an example of what I mean when I say that the science informs the spirituality in this book.
BPM: What topics are primarily discussed? Did you learn anything personal from writing your book?
The main topics of this book include spirituality, metaphysics, philosophy, cosmology, relativity, quantum mechanics, symmetry, and being. I have learned a lot from writing this book but in terms of personal development, I have learned more humility.
BPM: What would you like for readers to take away from your writing? How do you go about reaching new readers?
If you are serious about your life, and read through this book with an open and thoughtful mind, you will experience signs in your personal reality that will confirm for you, in your private views, that this new paradigm is real and thus very meaningful to your life. Your way of thinking will change as a consequence of experiencing meaningful perceptions affirming the knowledge disclosed in this book.
After reading this book you will have a clear and concise understanding of how space and time exist and how symmetry frames the universe. This new paradigm, though deeply spiritual in its implications, is presented with compelling scientific evidence and thus the implications are profound, leading potentially to a true foundation for meaning in life.
BPM: What defines success for you, as a published author?
Success for me would mean that the concepts brought to light in this book become universally known.
BPM: What’s the most important quality a writer should have?
Perseverance, faith, and trust in time because there are many challenges to surmount in the process of writing a book. As mentioned, the challenges include one’s own literary skills, the need to research, logistical and economic challenges and along the way psychological challenges as you manage to cope with balancing these demands with the ordinary demands of everyday life.
BPM: What are your goals as a writer? Do you set out to educate or inspire? Entertain? Illuminate a particular subject?
I hope to be a part of history unfolding to inspire a generation of new thinkers whose minds attain to higher levels of consciousness.
BPM: A Legacy is something that is handed down from one period of time to another. Finish this sentence –
My writing offers the following legacy to future readers and authors. It will increase their consciousness in a manner that brings added value and meaning to life.
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and you work?
Visit my website at I have contact information there, a blog, a comment section designed to engage anyone interested in talking not just metaphysics, but also spirituality, politics, social change, music, etc. Looking forward to hear from you.
Our Curious World of Mirror Images by Titus Joseph
Reflections on how Symmetry Frames our Universe, Empowers the Creative Process and Provides Context to Shape our Lives
From ancient philosophy to the big bang, quantum physics, and cosmology, Titus Joseph takes us on a mind-stretching journey through time and space to unveil a new law, positional symmetry (requisite mirror image), that explains how all things come into existence through the curious symmetries found everywhere in nature.
This exciting new model of the universe draws on concepts from ancient philosophy and weaves together quantum mechanics with relativity, through the observable symmetries found in nature. Our Curious World of Mirror Images sheds new light on what it means to be human in a world in which all things are interrelated.
• Introducing a whole new way of looking at our world
• A universal theory combining profound scientific facts seamlessly with philosophy
• Written in an easy to read format with many illustrations so that anyone may understand
• Reconciles the intractable problem of duality
• Marries quantum theory with relativity in a relationship that works to explain reality
• Provides a compelling account of spacetime that makes sense of the arrow of time
• Provides a broad overview of the cosmos as a whole entity
• An eye-opener to the meaning of God
• Reconciles eastern paradigms with western views
This book represents over 25 years of maturation developing a new metaphysical concept and today, with all the advances in science, including cosmology, quantum mechanics and relativity!
Change the Way You See the World!
Genre: Metaphysical Spirituality
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