Sister, Let That Fool Go! by Folake Taylor

Sister, Let That Fool Go!  by Folake Taylor

You have the power to determine how people treat you in this world. They will only trample all over you and take certain liberties if you allow it.  It is not mean to politely and subtly demand it. And it is not mean to walk away from a toxic relationship in any way, shape or form.  You are simply affirming that you will not be a doormat. Try it. You'll be surprised at the positive response you'll get from those you thought would never treat you well. You have the power!

I have yet to see a happily married woman who found Mr. Right by changing the gene pool of men or setting out to change a man into what she wants. I have however met, spoken with and read books by thousands of happily married women who admitted that the desired change was within. All else fell into place. And when people fully find themselves, they're more fulfilled and happy anyway, even if they haven't made that love connection yet.

Sister, Let That Fool Go!

Folk look at you and wonder what’s wrong with you
“Why she can’t keep a man?” they say behind your back
“Somethin’ wrooooong with her,” they say in a deep southern drawl
But you know what?
It’s those fools you keep going out with
Those fools you open your heart up to
The same fool in different forms
Over and over

That fool, who was beneath you on day one
That fool, who was still beneath you when you finally moved on
Why don’t we value ourselves, my sisters?
Why don’t we wait for a worthy man?
A man that will compliment us
A man that will bring out the best in us
A man who is NOT threatened by a strong (black) woman
Get tired of the abuse

Take control of who you choose!

© 2011 Folake Taylor

About the Author
Folake Taylor, MD
is a wife, mother, Physician and author. She practices Internal Medicine in Dawsonville, GA. She was born to Nigerian parents in Birmingham UK in the early seventies. She lived in Europe and Nigeria before relocating to the United States twelve years ago. She now lives in a suburbs of Atlanta GA with her husband and their little girl. She loves the United States and shares a burden for achieving excellence socially to match up with technology and all other areas of excellence. She hopes to make an impact in this regard. You can reach her at or F. Taylor on Facebook. Her website is and her blog is

The Only Way is Up: The Journey of an Immigrant is her debut self-help/ motivational book. It features the author’s experiences and views on pertinent life issues as an immigrant to the United States of America. The objective is to empower women. However, the greater part of the message is of relevance to a general audience. Some of the issues that are the focus of this book are identity, health and preventive medicine, finding a mate, relationships & family, single parenthood, teenage pregnancies, gender roles, diet & nutrition, global exposure, positivity & loving yourself, spirituality, life outside of the United States and much more. It was published by Arrabon Publishing company.

Purchase The Only Way is Up: The Journey of an Immigrant
ISBN-10: 0982667205   |    ISBN-13: 978-0982667200

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