Unwrapped: Serving Justice by Jacqueline Moore

Intimate Conversation with author Jacqueline Moore

Jacqueline Moore  is a Christian author who offers spiritual words of encouragement daily on her website at http://www.jacquelinedmoore.com/.  She has contributed to several anthologies and is the 2009 African American Literary Show romance author of the year for her first novel, “Serving Justice” under the Peace in the Storm imprint.

Introducing Serving Justice by Jacqueline Moore
Christian Fiction; ISBN: 0979022274
EDC Review Rating: 4.0 / 5 stars

What happens when a prominent and successful Chicago Judge falls in love with her driver? Angela Jenkins decided as a child that she would become a lawyer. Fighting injustices perpetrated against those who could not or would not fight for themselves ran like passion through her veins. Growing up, Angela was taught that putting God first in her life, respecting the rights and choices of others, and working hard, were the most important things a person should strive for. While in pursuit of her law degree, Angela meets Rhonda, Theresa, and Darlene who are there reaching for the same goals. Over the next two decades, an unbreakable bond forms and friends become sisters.

Angela finds the more successful she becomes, the more she begins to lose her connection with God and starts conforming more to the world, than to the word of God. When love enters her heart, she must decide if having a relationship is more important than what others, including her friends, have to say. Angela is forced to look at what’s important in her life and has to choose between allowing others to shape who she is or conforming to what God wants her to be.

BPM:  Tell us a little about your main characters. Who was your favorite? Why?
I would say Tony. Tony is the epitome of what I believe most women look for in a man. However, I do show that Tony is flawed as we all are. He made some really crucial mistakes in his past but rather then succumbs to the errors of his past; he overcame them and learned to move on. I believe when we look for relationships we tend to overlook someone because they are not perfect and I want the reader to ask themselves are they too judgmental and can they learn to move on and look at those things in their lives that are most important.

BPM: What inspired you to write this story?
A question a very good friend once asked. The question was “Why is it that professional women won’t even give me the time of day?” Now this friend just happened to be a very successful business owner who dressed like his employees, blue collar. Women took one look at him and made assumptions about him and what he did for a living. Had they taken the time to get to know him, they would have discovered so much more about him instead of automatically assuming that he was beneath them. That and I got tired of women saying that they couldn’t find a good professional man. How about just a good man?

BPM: Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp and share?
There are actually several. The foremost lesson is that we have to stop listening to the world around us and seek out that still small voice within; the voice of God. Success is futile when it’s not tempered by the word of God. We all make mistakes but we serve a God of a second chance. Finally, each of us needs to examine our reasons for believing in the things we do. Do we serve the greater good, our friends or ourselves?

BPM: What sets your book apart from other books in your genre?
My book is a love story that just happens to have several Christian messages. People can relate to the characters because I don’t color them holier then thou. I write from the heart and from the emotional frame of mind of the characters and I relate my stories to real live situations.

BPM: What is the best piece of advice you would give to an aspiring author?
If writing is your dream; don’t stop, keep going. Perfect your craft and find outlets for your work. Don’t let rejection or criticism deter you. Keep in mind that everyone won’t like your work but that’s okay. When you find your niche, you will find your acceptance.

BPM: Share with us your latest news, awards or upcoming book releases.
Wow, 2009 was a whirlwind year for me. “Serving Justice” is available at several bookstores including borders where I did several signing and met so many wonderful readers. I had the pleasure of going on my first cruise this year “Cruising for Christ” with Kendra Norman – Bellamy and participating on my first authors panel as a result. And in September I traveled to New York for the first time to attend the African American Literary Show award ceremony where I won an award in the romance category for “Serving Justice.”

I am currently working on my next novel “Caught in the Middle” which will be available from Peace in the Storm Publishing in May of 2010.

You can find me online at Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogger.com and on my website http://www.jacquelined.moore.com/   and  http://www.peaceinthestormpublishing.com/.  I can also be reached via email at jackiemoore@virtuousliving.com  and at  mamajacq618@yahoo.com

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