No Matter What: 9 Steps To Living The Life You Love

No Matter What
9 Steps To Living The Life You Love
by Lisa Nichols

Today Lisa Nichols is a bestselling author and much-sought motivational speaker, but for many years she lived with doubt and without direction, being crushed by disappointment and weighed down by despair. Then one day she decided to change her thinking and exerise her “bounce-back muscle”—to embrace her authentic self, to stop reacting and start acting. Now she shares her formula for success with you.

With her unique, powerful inspirational program you, too, will get the motivation you need to empower your dreams in 9 steps. Called “muscles,” Lisa shows you how toning your Confidence, Faith-in-Myself, Honesty Out Loud and Forgiveness muscles and others will help you fast-forward toward a courageous and bountiful future. Buy the Book

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