The Food Temptress (Women Fiction)
Who knows how to convert a gay man into a straight lover using a pineapple upside-down cake? Only Ambrosia Bourgeois, The Food Temptress, can accomplish such a task. The New Orleans Goddess of Gastronomy uses food to seduce men in hopes of creating Mister Right. Paralleling southern cuisine, each short story captures the hearts and minds of different men.
In the Power of the Pudding Chapter, Ambrosia realizes that her bread pudding cannot withstand the demands of an associate minister’s plans to make her a dutiful wife. When she decides to forget about him and travels to Atlanta to visit her friend, she ends up in the bathroom with Black Thunder, a local stripper. It is not her fault; the peach cobbler was intended for the birthday girl.
Ambrosia perfects her craft by using traditional recipes from her deceased grandmother and occasionally consulting her mysterious aunt. When she discovers that her meals fall short of converting the man to her specifications, she moves on to the next one—a total of 16 ranging from the local police chief to a Bourbon Street musician. Will she reach her goal before the monstrous hurricane hits her city? The Food Temptress serves a delectable treat connected by Ambrosia’s continuing quest for both romantic and culinary perfection.

In 2006, she self-published an e-Book, Wow Them With Your Grant Proposal, and other grant-related Special Reports under her own e-publishing company, Gibson Girl Publishing Company. Rekaya has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of New Orleans. She resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. You can reach her by going to and
The Food Temptress was released on January 15, 2009. The 244-page book is a trade paperback. The Food Temptress is available in bookstores nationwide, Amazon, and other Internet merchants. It retails for $14.95. ISBN-10: 0-977-9398-3-9/ ISBN-13: 978-09779398-3-1
Rekaya Gibson, Author of The Food Temptress
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ISBN-10: 0-977-9398-3-9 / ISBN-13: 978-0-9779398-3-1
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