'Some Like 'em Thick' is a book about three friends who each have issues with being 'thick.' Be it because of men, family, other women, or themselves, they have come to believe that their size is the cause of all of their problems and issues. As they try to be there for each other, they each have to come to individually realize that their problems won't be erased just with losing weight, but with learning to love themselves...
Finish this sentence: I am Powerful because...
I am powerful because I recognize that I have a gift from God and I'm utilizing it, thereby living my dream.
Where are you from? How did you start your writing journey?
- I'm from Douglasville, GA; never lived anywhere else. I began writing a long time ago; I don't even remember how old I was. But I made up my own series, my own comic strip, among other things. Before the magic of computers I handwrote everything; all my novels, short stories, poetry, everything. Sometimes even in pencil. LOL.

- I actually have three main characters ( I can't leave one of 'em out!). Oasis, Salvatrice, and Irie are each so different...I like Oasis because she doesn't hold her tongue about anything; she's in-your-face and she stands up for her friends all day everyday. Salvatrice is so levelheaded; perfect to turn to in a crisis. Irie has that innocence that she doesn't really try to hide, but is still very intelligent. And you can always count on her to say something kooky and off-the-wall. :)
What makes your book stand out and would entice a reader pick it up?
- My book speaks to real women about something that most of us go through everyday of our lives. Even the most confident woman can have those moments of insecurity behind closed doors. Just about everyone knows someone like one of the main characters. Its very relatable.
Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
- I want my readers to be entertained, but also to realize that there's nothing wrong with having flaws. We can still be loved even though we're not perfect.
What is the most surprising thing you have learned in creating books?
- How much FUN it is!! Its actually a thrill for me to create new characters and take them through different situations and adventures. I try to picture each scene as I write it so hopefully the reader can see it, too, and relate to it more.
What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a writer?
- Getting that first book published was a major thing for me; it was something I've always dreamed about. I just remained persistent and patient; as hard as it was to not take the first deal that came along, I'm glad I met someone I could trust to guide me through the process.
What advice would you give a new writer? - Just keep writing; you get better the more you do it. Its amazing to read things I wrote years ago and see how far I've come. Reading also helps my writing. Also, don't be afraid to ask for advice or help, and always keep your eyes and ears open...you never know when something will trigger your imagination and inspire your next story.
Would you change anything about your journey?
As far as changing anything about my journey, if anything I would just say not waiting so long to kick things into high gear. For years I just wrote for fun, and that was cool...but I didn't realize it was a gift that I needed to share. I do now.
Name 3 things that it takes to make a successful author, in your opinion?
- Imagination, persistence, and good contacts.
What can we expect from you in the future?
- You can definitely expect more books from me...there are plenty, plenty more on the horizon, waiting to be written. I look forward to when I can write full time!
- You can definitely expect more books from me...there are plenty, plenty more on the horizon, waiting to be written. I look forward to when I can write full time!
Share with us your latest news, events or upcoming book releases.
- My next book will be coming out in the next few months...I have a book signing coming up on February 21st...I'm working on book numbers 8 and 9 and itching to get to all the others!
Author Jessica L. Terry
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