DOUBLE INSANITY by Karen Thompkins is the drama-filled, reality-inspired, contemporary debut that will surely stir readers up and have them wanting to make a difference. In her first novel, literary newcomer Karen Thompkins takes readers on a crazy tumultuous relationship cursed with domestic abuse.
Filled with strong language and dark humor Karen Thompkins chronicles in a raw, yet entertaining way, disturbing events and bizarre accounts that take place on this emotional roller coaster. Jewel, a registered nurse with a sharp tongue, becomes romantically involved with Tony, a violent ex-con, who just finished serving five years in prison, for aggravated assault.
Despite Tony's abusive behavior, in the beginning of the relationship Jewel becomes pregnant, and the two marry. These two insane individuals are intertwined in the vicious cycle of violence, humiliation and makeup sex known as the "sick dance". Having been raised in an abusive relationship, Jewel sees Tony's violent behavior as normal and tolerates it for seven years. However it is Tony's infidelity that leads Jewel to snap and acquire her lover's twisted, violent actions. In this revenge thriller, Jewel risks everything for the love of Tony, including her personal morals and freedom.
As a survivor of domestic abuse Karen Thompkins is passionate about bringing awareness to Domestic Violence. DOUBLE INSANITY will contain a Domestic Violence Resource Guide of national agencies and hotlines along with a personal letter of HOPE to abused women. From Hollywood to Harlem, Domestic Violence is not confined to any one socioeconomic, ethnic, religious, racial or age group and knows no geographic or educational boundaries. It also occurs within teenage relationships and among same-sex partnerships.
Introduction to Double Insanity A Novel by Karen Thompkins
SETTING: Summary of 1995 in the Philadelphia metro area. A time when The Notorious B.I.G. and the Bad Boy family ruled the airwaves, the World Wide Web launched, Pulp Fiction hit theatres—and Jewel Baker met Tony Tucker.
SYNOPSIS: Filled with strong language and dark humor Karen Thompkins chronicles in a raw, yet engaging way, disturbing events and bizarre incidences that take place in this dysfunctional and erratic love affair. Jewel, a confident registered nurse with a sharp tongue, becomes romantically involved with Tony, a sexy, smooth talking, violent ex-con, who just finished serving five years in prison, for aggravated assault.
Despite Tony’s unstable and abusive behavior in the beginning of the relationship Jewel remains hopeful about the potential good in him. Between hot sex and “husband of the year” type domestic acts, Tony keeps Jewel close and soon she becomes pregnant, and the two marry. These two insane individuals are intertwined in the vicious cycle of violence, humiliation and sexual manipulation.
Having been raised in an abusive relationship, Jewel sees Tony’s violent behavior as tolerable and stays for seven years. However, there is only but so much she can take and infidelity becomes the tipping point for her to break free. Jewel learns that in addition to being abusive Tony has cheated on her more than once .She snaps and resorts to seeking revenge on the other women.
In this first person narration, Jewel accounts how she has risks everything for the love of Tony, including her freedom and her personal morals—only to realize he isn’t worth it.
Chapter 1
The chapter opens with Tony and Jewel fussing over the change in Tony’s schedule and her suspicion of infidelity being the reason for the discrepancy. After harsh words are exchanged both ways, the fight becomes physical and Tony rips Jewels clothes off and puts her out of the apartment. The police come, but Jewel refuses to press charges.
Chapter 2
Jewel gives background information on her family and childhood. She is the youngest of eleven siblings. Her dad was a functional alcoholic who abused her mother. Jewel was molested by her older brother and became a promiscuous teenager, who had two teen pregnancies and one abortion.
Chapter 3
Tony is released from prison on parole after serving five years for aggravated assault for shooting a man. He reconnects with Jewel and they begin dating. Shortly thereafter, the physical and verbal abuse begins. Jewel files two Protection from Abuse Orders (PFAs), but does not follow through with them.
Chapter 4
The parole board files charges against Tony for violating his special condition to stay away from Jewel. Tony tells Jewel that the affair he was having with a co-worker is done. Feeling guilty and pity for Tony and the things he is dealing with because of the violation, Jewel hires an attorney to represent him. Tony is sentenced to ten months. Jewel is involved in a physical altercation with Mary, the woman Tony had been cheating with.
Chapter 5
Tony is released from prison and the abuse begins again. He forces Jewel out of the house at gunpoint to confront an old fling. Tony dials 911to warn them of Jewel’s murder. Again, Jewel refuses to press charges. Later, Tony knocks Jewel unconscious, drives her to the emergency room, and threatens the doctor. He lies to her about the incident and convinces her it was an accident. A part of Jewel believes him, but deep down she knows the truth.
Chapter 6
Jewel and Tony purchase a home. Tony begins to set goals for his life and finally finds a well-paying fulltime job that he loves. Feeling confident about their new life, they plan a pregnancy. When Jewel becomes pregnant, they get married. Tony is arrested a week before the due date for interfering with police business. A week after delivery, Jewel visits Tony in prison with their newborn and 9-year old daughter.
Chapter 7
Tony is released from prison again. He runs up over $3000 in credit card debt. Jewel finds a hotel charge on the credit card statement that rings an alarm. They attend marriage counseling, which quickly ends after Tony robs the therapist. Tony rapes Jewel in front of their toddler. He is arrested and released on bail. Tony talks Jewel out of pressing charges, and she forgives him, yet again, hoping that things will get better because she really loves him and is confident he feels the same for her.
Chapter 8
Jewel finds out Tony has been cheating on her again but this time in their home with a white woman. Jewel snaps, pulls out a gun on Tony, but he manages to take it from her. Jewel calls the police and they force him to leave the home.
Chapter 9
Jewel and her sister stake out Tony’s job to confront the mistress. Jewel confronts and kidnaps the mistress at knifepoint but soon realizes there was a case of mistaken identity. She learns the address of the correct women and heads to her house and attacks Tony’s mistress with a knife.
Chapter 10
Jewel files a PFA and Tony is evicted from the home. Both Jewel and her sister are arrested on assault charges filed by the mistress. Both are released on bail. Jewel is rearrested on additional harassment charges filed by the mistress.
Chapter 11
Jewel goes back and forth to court for two separates cases, including Tony’s multiple violations of the PFAs and for her assault charges on the mistress. In court, Tony shows up with Jewel’s 3-most-hated enemies: mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and mistress. Broke and homeless, Tony becomes desperate and plans a robbery of a prominent citizen. Jewel finds out and tips off the police. She hires a private investigator.
Chapter 12
The private investigator videotapes Tony and his mistress leaving the motel. Jewel finds out that Tony has been cheating with a family friend and she seeks revenge.
Chapter 13
Jewel’s only witness to help put Tony behind bars backs out on helping for the court hearing. Tony shows up again at court with his mother and sister. The hearing is postponed.
Chapter 14
Jewel and Jade appear at their criminal hearing. The mistress purgers herself on the stand, and the District Attorney attempts to have Jewel and Jade’s bail revoked and have them rearrested. Jewel takes Tony to court for child support, and they argue at the courthouse. Tony is not sentenced to jail time for violation of the PFAs; instead he is given supervision and community service hours. Jewel is rearrested on harassment charges against the mistress. Tony wants to reconcile with Jewel and has his mistress drop the charges.
Chapter 15
Jewel attempts to get the mistress fired. She forgives Tony for everything and a few days later, he fractures her nose. Crying and distraught, he attempts to commit suicide by putting a gun to his head in front of the children.
Chapter 16
Jewel talks Tony into signing himself into a psychiatric hospital. She reports the assault to the police and they take photos of her nose. After Tony is discharged from the hospital, he willingly turns him into the police. He agrees that he needs to be punished for his behavior and asks Jewel to wait for him. Jewel visits Tony in prison to let him know she has filed for divorce.
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