Interview with Real Page Turners Book Review

Intimate Conversation with Real Page Turners Book Review
Meet Monique Bruner (Deltareviewer)

Monique Bruner is an avid reader who reviews books for To her credit, Bruner co-wrote a textbook entitled, Strategies That Empower People for Success in College and Life; co-editor of Delta Girls: Stories of Sisterhood; and contributor to Violets.

She spends family time watching movies, putting together jigsaw puzzles, and watching football with her husband and two daughters.

Known for her quick wit and contagious laughter Monique has dedicated endless amount of time and hard work to support the programs of her beloved sorority, DELTA SIGMA THETA Sorority, Inc. and currently serves the community as President of the Oklahoma City Urban League Young Professionals. Monique’s online name is Deltareviewer and must be reading the page turning novel right now…

Check out then send an email to or via myspace to get your book reviewed.

Tell us a few books that you would define as "Literary Hallmarks."
Don’t Ever Tell by Brandon Massey
The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah
Hip Hop Speaks to Children by Nikki Giovanni
Divine Destiny by Gwyneth Bolton

How did your organization develop?
I started reviewing as a suggestion from my husband. At the time, money was short and I was spending all of our extra money on books. I had checked out and read all of the African American books in our small town public library which left me without entertainment during the day. My husband found RAWSISTAZ online and recommended that I email the website about reviewing (hoping I could get books free). Well, I did and Tee said she wasn’t taking on any new reviewers at the time and referred me to Sharon (Loose Leave Reviews). I contacted her and she took me in on her team of 7 reviewers. I’ve been reviewing ever since…that was about 7 years ago.

What is the primary mission of the group?
The primary mission of Real Page Turners is to promote African American authors through publishing book reviews and information about books. I’ve added children’s literature and self-help books to the fold this year as I have many readers email me about those areas. I do this time intense work strictly for the love of reading and sharing.

Do you have outreach programs or events that we can support?
Every year we sponsor book events in the state of Oklahoma …usually in February and June focusing on self-published African American authors. During the events we give autographed copies of books away to encourage literacy. We also sponsor writing events in the area schools by spotlighting African American authors. While in the schools that authors discuss why they started writing, how they got published and the students can get started.

Name 3 authors you would like to have on a phone chat.
Brandon Massey
Colleen Payne

If you could have a book discussion with any author alive or dead, who would it be?
Octavia Butler. Her writing was extraordinary. The descriptions would give me goose bumps and even though it was sci-fi there was always that this could really happen. While reading her books you can get lost in another world and the imagery in her words is like watching a movie but you weren’t.

What advice would you give authors about approaching book clubs to read their work?
Produce an interesting press kit, tell something about yourself and how you came to writing, offer discounts for books, and consider offering PDF’s or ebooks at a reduced price. Book clubs love to read new authors (if you have your stuff together) so make sure you have some good editing.

What projects do you have coming up?
In 2009, we will team with The G.R.I.T.S. and offer book reviews on podcasts. This is the way of the future and as always The G.R.I.T.S. is on the forefront. I’m glad Marlive asked us to come on board.

We will also work with the OKC Urban League Young Professionals on the Celebration of African American Authors 2009. The event will be on February 21, 2009 from 11-3p at Full Circle Book Store in 50 Penn Place Mall located at 1900 NW Expressway #1.

Add all of your contact information and website addresses at the end.
Real Page Turners
PO BOX 13204
Oklahoma City, OK 73113

Interview created by Ella Curry and Monique (Deltareviewer) Bruner
Check out some of my reviews at -