Welcome Black Authors Network, join me in welcoming Jenelle of the Women of Character Book Club. Please take a moment and read the exciting Intimate Conversation and leave your questions or comments below.
EDC: Tell us how The Women of Character Book Club was developed.
WOC: I was introduced to Christian fiction in 2004 by an angel in disguise, Pamela, who suggested that I read Jamellah Ellis' book, "That Faith, That Trust, That Love." This novel was given to me at a time in my life when I was going "THROUGH IT" both spiritually and emotionally! It was as if the Lord spoke directly to me through this novel. Soon after, I began reading so much that it had become like oxygen; I needed it to survive. This divine intervention caused a new-found interest in Christian fiction, which was very empowering and inspirational because I was able to see myself in many of the characters with a spiritual lesson being revealed in each one. I believe that because of the seed that was sown into my life, it is now my ministry to share the word of God by blessing others with the opportunity of experiencing God's love through Christian fiction.
WOC: The Women of Character Book Club is located in Orlando, Florida and was 'born' in 2005, with the makings of eight women. The interest and excitement of the group members sort of fueled a reading frenzy and is continually growing by word of mouth. We are a group of women of all ages from different backgrounds, but share a common bond- we love the Lord and enjoy reading Christian Fiction. The fellowship and new friendships that have been formed have really been a blessing. Our website is: http://www.womenofcharacterbookclub.com/.
Our mission
To provide women an arena to fellowship, encourage and empower each other by discussing personal experiences as it relates to the Word of God through Christian Fiction. The "Women of Character Book Club" has a sincere desire to be used as a vessel to enable a passionate discovery of each woman's destiny, to share the Word of God, and to advocate for women with compassion.
Romans 1:12- "When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours."
EDC: What format do your meetings take place?
WOC: We currently meet on the 3rd Saturday every other month at a member's church. We always open up in prayer for the Lord to lead our discussions. When we have women that are visiting, we discuss our mission statement and review the importance of confidentiality. A designated member will open up with an Ice Breaker. This is a time for them to share a word of inspiration, empowerment and sister-building.
EDC: What do you define as Quality Literature?
WOC: In speaking to several authors, it is my impression that quality literature is when an author allows the Lord to minister through them onto the pages of a novel. It is through the story lines portrayed in the novels that hit really close to home, which allows an opportunity for self-discovery. Our discussions are based on real-life experiences as it relates to the word of God.
EDC: Who are some authors that your group has featured?
WOC: We have had the opportunity to talk with authors such as Kendra Norman-Bellamy, Stacy Hawkins Adams, Victoria Christopher Murray, Sherri L. Lewis and ReShonda Tate Billingsley via speakerphone. We were blessed to have met Patricia Haley at a book signing for "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie." We have also been blessed to have Tia McCollors visit us to discuss "The Truth about Love."
We have open membership at this time. For more information, please e-mail Jenelle at jb@womenofcharacterbookclub.com.
EDC: What are you reading now?
WOC: We are currently reading, "Chosen", written by Patricia Haley. This novel was sent to me by Patricia's publicist. I enjoyed it so much that it became one of our selections. The release date is January 6, 2009.
EDC: How does the Women of Character Book Club stand the test of time?
WOC: I feel our book club has lasted as long as it has, mainly because God has always been the center of every decision. In the beginning the majority of us came together with mostly one thing in common, and that was our love of reading. Over time a bond was formed from the discussions and personal testimonies. So over the years it has become about more than reading a book. We are excited to see each other, to encourage and be encouraged in our daily walk. We are a small intimate group that truly love each other.
The W.O.C is also a safe haven, a place where members can share their joys and sorrows, it's a sisterhood built on faith, bound by our desire to go beyond the boundary of books and see what God is speaking into our hearts and minds. It is for this reason that I think we have been able to maintain and grow. The W.O.C has allowed me to experience sisterly fellowship with women who understand that we are all 'Water Colored Pearls' (a novel written by Stacy Hawkins Adams that was our 2007 book of the year).
Thanks for giving the Women of Character an opportunity to share with you why we love our book club. We ask for your prays and your continued support, and when you need a break, grab a good book, kick back, let go, and let God!!
Jenelle, it has been a pleasure speaking with you. The Women of Character Book Club is a wonderful literary group. Thank you for Giving the Gift of Knowledge.
Ella Curry, president EDC Creations
Website: http://www.edc-creations.com/