Intimate Conversation Nicki Night
Nicki Night
is an edgy hopeless romantic who enjoys creating stories of love and
new possibilities. Nicki has a penchant for adventure and is currently
working on penning her next romantic escapade.
Nicki resides in the city where dreams are made of, but occasionally travels to her treasured seaside hideaway to write in seclusion. She enjoys hearing directly from readers and can be contacted on Facebook, through her website at, or via email at
BPM: How did you get to be where you are in your life today? Who or what motivated you?
I've always been unable to ignore the voices inside of me that propel me to try things out. I've always said that I never wanted to live with regrets so when I realize writing was more of a passion than a hobby that I enjoyed doing every now and then, I decided to take it serious and set out on a journey to see where it would take me and here I am--with no regrets.
BPM: Who does your body of literary work speak to? Do you consider authors as role models?
My works speak to those who enjoy being entertained, inspired, taken away and even educated. I wholehearted believe that authors are role models and we should take responsibility for what we write and portray in our work. It's a great responsibility. People often state that they don't want to be considered a role model, however once you are in a certain light, you don't necessary have the benefit to make that decision. People will make you a role model whether you are willing to be one or not. That comes with a certain level of exposure.
BPM: What inspired you to sit down and actually start writing this book? Why now?
The joy of seeing African American men portrayed in glowing lights. My male characters are flawed just like any other regular human, but these men and also great black men who are loving, responsible, hardworking, committed, intelligent, compassionate, and oh-so-fine. These are men like my husband, my friends, and my father. This is the total opposite of how black men are often portrayed in the media. It's not that they don't exist. It's that they miss the spotlight unless there's some kind of scandal connected to them. I like giving light to good black men. Why now? My answer is, why not now?
BPM: What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
There is so much that I enjoyed about writing this book. I love the happy ending. I love the characters and I love that the characters were not perfect. I also love that this was something new for me, being my first romance book and I'm so happy with how it came out.
BPM: Where do your book ideas come from? Are your books plot-driven or character-driven?
My book ideas can come from anywhere--a conversation, a dream, or just my imagination. My books are often both driven by the plot and character. There is no specific reason. It depends on the story and the character. Often one will step up and take the front seat and I will flow with that.
BPM: Could you tell us something about your most recent work?
Her Chance at Love is available everywhere in print and digitally. This book is a crazy little ride through the lives of two attorneys--one who is set on her career and has ruled dating out of her life due to a bad break up. That is Cadence Payne. The other is Blake Barrington, a cocky lawyer who's really a gem under all of his confidence. He's determined to get Cadence to admit she wants him as much as he wants her and begins making headway until a political scandal hits and he finds himself dead smack in the middle of it. Now he has to prove both his innocence and his love.
BPM: Give us some insight into your main characters or speakers. What makes each one so special?
I just love Blake Barrington. He's this cocky attorney and one of the most eligible bachelors on the legal scene along with his handsome brothers. He knows he's a great catch and isn't afraid to own that. He's capable of having his share of women and when he decides that it's Cadence that he wants, he turns up the charm into high gear. The thing about him is that he's an envelope pusher all the way around and he does things that many men would never do when they're trying to capture a woman's heart. He's such a risk-taker.
BPM: Are there under-represented groups or ideas featured in your book? If so, discuss them.
As I said before, I truly believe that great black men are under-represented in our society and I know for a fact that they exist. I could give you a list of names right now! I love this genre because it gives me a chance to tell stories about these men and celebrate them, while the world around us is so busy trying to tear them down. I want people to know that they exist. There isn't a quality in Blake or his brothers, Hunter and Drew, that I didn't get from a man I personally know. These are good black men with careers, morals, values, and so much more.
BPM: How does your book relate to your present situation, education, spiritual practice or journey?
None of my books really relate to me personally, at least not intentionally. They allow me to go off in my imagination just like the reader. However. I will say that I have a great black man and he could very well be Blake or one of his brothers. As far as my spirituality is concerned, everything that I do is part of my spiritual journey. I write because that's the gift God gave me to use in this world.
BPM: Did you learn anything personal from writing your book? Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?
I always try to learn something new in the process of writing my books. Mostly vocabulary. I always look for new words that I can learn and use in my text. I don't mind reading a book and having to go to my dictionary app to check it's meaning. It makes me feel smarter. I also learned a lot about the legal process to make sure that the parts of the book that addressed how the scandal was handled legally were authentic. I have a friend who is a lawyer and he helped me shape the story so that when Blake got into trouble, I could appropriately depict how the mess could be handled.
BPM: What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?
I want this book to be a best-seller. I want every romance reader to come to know Nicki Night. I want people to enjoy the book and be reminded that men like these exist. This book and Nicki Night are just hitting the scene so I'm looking forward to seeing how everything flows, but I trust that it will be a hit!
BPM: What projects are you working on at the present?
Her Chance At Love is part of a three-book series. I've just finished the second book in the series with Hunter, Blake's older brother. I've beginning to work on the last book in the series, which will be Drew's story. I've also outlined a new series for my publisher that I'm really excited about.
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work?
I can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Here are my links. I welcome everyone to follow me and get connected.
Nicki resides in the city where dreams are made of, but occasionally travels to her treasured seaside hideaway to write in seclusion. She enjoys hearing directly from readers and can be contacted on Facebook, through her website at, or via email at
BPM: How did you get to be where you are in your life today? Who or what motivated you?
I've always been unable to ignore the voices inside of me that propel me to try things out. I've always said that I never wanted to live with regrets so when I realize writing was more of a passion than a hobby that I enjoyed doing every now and then, I decided to take it serious and set out on a journey to see where it would take me and here I am--with no regrets.
BPM: Who does your body of literary work speak to? Do you consider authors as role models?
My works speak to those who enjoy being entertained, inspired, taken away and even educated. I wholehearted believe that authors are role models and we should take responsibility for what we write and portray in our work. It's a great responsibility. People often state that they don't want to be considered a role model, however once you are in a certain light, you don't necessary have the benefit to make that decision. People will make you a role model whether you are willing to be one or not. That comes with a certain level of exposure.
BPM: What inspired you to sit down and actually start writing this book? Why now?
The joy of seeing African American men portrayed in glowing lights. My male characters are flawed just like any other regular human, but these men and also great black men who are loving, responsible, hardworking, committed, intelligent, compassionate, and oh-so-fine. These are men like my husband, my friends, and my father. This is the total opposite of how black men are often portrayed in the media. It's not that they don't exist. It's that they miss the spotlight unless there's some kind of scandal connected to them. I like giving light to good black men. Why now? My answer is, why not now?
BPM: What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
There is so much that I enjoyed about writing this book. I love the happy ending. I love the characters and I love that the characters were not perfect. I also love that this was something new for me, being my first romance book and I'm so happy with how it came out.
BPM: Where do your book ideas come from? Are your books plot-driven or character-driven?
My book ideas can come from anywhere--a conversation, a dream, or just my imagination. My books are often both driven by the plot and character. There is no specific reason. It depends on the story and the character. Often one will step up and take the front seat and I will flow with that.
BPM: Could you tell us something about your most recent work?
Her Chance at Love is available everywhere in print and digitally. This book is a crazy little ride through the lives of two attorneys--one who is set on her career and has ruled dating out of her life due to a bad break up. That is Cadence Payne. The other is Blake Barrington, a cocky lawyer who's really a gem under all of his confidence. He's determined to get Cadence to admit she wants him as much as he wants her and begins making headway until a political scandal hits and he finds himself dead smack in the middle of it. Now he has to prove both his innocence and his love.
BPM: Give us some insight into your main characters or speakers. What makes each one so special?
I just love Blake Barrington. He's this cocky attorney and one of the most eligible bachelors on the legal scene along with his handsome brothers. He knows he's a great catch and isn't afraid to own that. He's capable of having his share of women and when he decides that it's Cadence that he wants, he turns up the charm into high gear. The thing about him is that he's an envelope pusher all the way around and he does things that many men would never do when they're trying to capture a woman's heart. He's such a risk-taker.
BPM: Are there under-represented groups or ideas featured in your book? If so, discuss them.
As I said before, I truly believe that great black men are under-represented in our society and I know for a fact that they exist. I could give you a list of names right now! I love this genre because it gives me a chance to tell stories about these men and celebrate them, while the world around us is so busy trying to tear them down. I want people to know that they exist. There isn't a quality in Blake or his brothers, Hunter and Drew, that I didn't get from a man I personally know. These are good black men with careers, morals, values, and so much more.
BPM: How does your book relate to your present situation, education, spiritual practice or journey?
None of my books really relate to me personally, at least not intentionally. They allow me to go off in my imagination just like the reader. However. I will say that I have a great black man and he could very well be Blake or one of his brothers. As far as my spirituality is concerned, everything that I do is part of my spiritual journey. I write because that's the gift God gave me to use in this world.
BPM: Did you learn anything personal from writing your book? Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?
I always try to learn something new in the process of writing my books. Mostly vocabulary. I always look for new words that I can learn and use in my text. I don't mind reading a book and having to go to my dictionary app to check it's meaning. It makes me feel smarter. I also learned a lot about the legal process to make sure that the parts of the book that addressed how the scandal was handled legally were authentic. I have a friend who is a lawyer and he helped me shape the story so that when Blake got into trouble, I could appropriately depict how the mess could be handled.
BPM: What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?
I want this book to be a best-seller. I want every romance reader to come to know Nicki Night. I want people to enjoy the book and be reminded that men like these exist. This book and Nicki Night are just hitting the scene so I'm looking forward to seeing how everything flows, but I trust that it will be a hit!
BPM: What projects are you working on at the present?
Her Chance At Love is part of a three-book series. I've just finished the second book in the series with Hunter, Blake's older brother. I've beginning to work on the last book in the series, which will be Drew's story. I've also outlined a new series for my publisher that I'm really excited about.
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work?
I can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Here are my links. I welcome everyone to follow me and get connected.
Purchase Her Chance at Love by Nicki Night
Romance Series: The Barrington Brothers

Romance Series: The Barrington Brothers