#BondingThruBooks Speaker - Lá Tanyha Boyd
Lá Tanyha Boyd, is living her dream and walking in her calling to empower, and inspire others in“Living in the Now;” the abundant life. Author Lá Tanyha, has traveled around the world via the airwaves as a Transformational Speaker delivering messages to jumpstart your day and vision, all the while infused with Faith, Hope, & Determination leaving you with a mindset of I CAN DO THIS! Challenging others to Take Action to go higher in their careers, fulfill their goals and walk in their purpose.
Lá Tanyha is the International Host of Spiritual Food for Thought Global Radio. Through this syndicated radio broadcast she empowers others across the globe to follow their dreams and to live life with purpose, passion, fire and determination.
Author Boyd often shares messages that; “Life is all about living and when we can have Spiritual Food, it nourishes us like nothing else.” Penning her first Bestselling book Spiritual Food For Thought: 31 Inspirational Quotes To Jump Start Your Day!Spiritual Food For Thought, is touted to be a soul stirring read as it consists of deeply inspirational messages that offer daily words of empowerment and promote spiritual growth for its readers. The book is immensely thought provoking and takes its readers on an immeasurably inspiring journey towards self discovery while it also challenges them to pursue greatness and positivity in life.
Her latest release a DIY: People Eat With Their Eyes: How to Create an Effective Book Trailer.
Author Boyd, continues to use the power of the pen with the upcoming release of her first Children’s Christian Fiction Short-Story entitled: “Faith: Learns The Power Of Prayer.” A story about A young girl named Faith, who lived with her grandmother all her life. The family fell on hard times. Unable to care for grandma, Faith’s family sold the house and moved. Now Faith and the Wheeler family have to adjust to new surroundings with God’s help.
Là Tanyha Boyd is that ABUNDANT LIFE Inspirational Speaker delivering Transformational messages to #JSYD Jump Start your day and vision. Most Requested Topics: Self-Empowerment of Lighten the load of 'Stinkin-Thinking,' and Build Your Career'Change Your Seat.'
Answering the call to minister, Missionary Là Tanyha has been working in the vineyard for over ten years, and is a Licensed Missionary. Là Tanyha is a Empowerment Coach and a powerful Inspirational Speaker, facilitator with a heart and fire for God and His people.
Lá Tanyha Boyd has the world’s largest digital platform devoted to Jump-Start Your Day; transform your mindset, line up your thoughts, and emotions in creating the life and business you desire.
Spiritual Food for Thought: 31 Inspirational Quotes to Jump-Start your Day!
Change that Stinkin-Thinking by jump-starting your day with positive affirmations.
Are you ready to walk in your greatness…Transform your mindset and learn how to Jump-Start Your Day and line up your thoughts, desires and emotions to create the life and business you desire? Our thoughts have the power to either help us or hurt us. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity.
Lá Tanyha Boyd Empowerment Coach | Missionary | 3 x’s Best-selling Author | Talk-Radio Host | Social Media Specialist | Marketing Branding Coach | Internet Book Publicist
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaTBoyd1
Speaker: http://www.latboyd.com/la-tanyhas-speaker-platform.html
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