Soul on Fire by Skyy Banks
Listen to the reading from the book here.
The Struggle to Overcome an Abusive Past and a Destructive Present Encapsulated in Skyy Banks’ Debut Novel - Soul on Fire
Soul on Fire by Skyy Banks is an exploration of the torment of abuse and the consequences of self-hatred and self-destructive behavior, and it sheds light on why so many women sabotage relationships and friendships that mean so much.
Every woman knows Dana, the heroine of Skyy Banks’ debut novel, Soul on Fire. Dana, simply put, is a survivor. Her sexually abusive past has imprisoned her and she has unleashed her pain to a sea of devastation and damage. Not until she confronts her demons can she garner the strength to brave the journey to redemption. As she begins her journey to release herself from the shackles of her past, Dana quickly discovers the path to salvation and freedom is anything but smooth. Set against the backdrop of the corporate world of Atlanta, Georgia, Soul on Fire chronicles a young professional woman’s journey for inner peace and happiness.
Soul on Fire, Banks’ premier novel, is set to be released March 2010. It is an exploration of the torment of abuse and the consequences of self-hatred and self-destructive behavior; it sheds light on why so many women sabotage relationships and friendships that mean so much.
Before Soul on Fire, Banks shared her works with the world through freelance writings. She is a native of Arkansas who now calls Atlanta, GA her home. Banks enjoys reading, writing, and traveling. Banks uses her writing as a platform to encourage her readers to explore taboo subjects and engage in dialogue to find solutions. She is a self-motivated woman and knows the world is waiting for her greatness. “The only limits are the ones I place upon myself; I don’t have any.”
Meet Skyy Banks and read her blog at:
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ISBN-10: 0981532659
ISBN-13: 978-0981532653
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