Jewell R. Powell, affectionately known as ‘the Marriage Coach’ is an entrepreneur, inspirational teacher, and author of Marriage 101: Building a Life Together by Faith. Jewell is passionate about helping couples have a ‘happily ever after’ marriage. She graduated from VCMI Ministerial Training School and is working towards a Masters of Divinity degree from Regent University.
Jewell R. Powell shares her spiritual journey and shows you how to have a ”happily ever after” marriage “Till death do we part.” These words are said about 2.5 million times each year. But, despite couples’ best intentions and attempts to stay true to those vows, many—almost half!—end up in divorce. What’s going wrong?
That’s what author Jewell R. Powell asked when she found herself four years into marriage, sitting in a bedroom alone and on the brink of divorce. Desperate for answers, Powell dove deep into her faith. She searched the Scriptures for instruction on how to save her own marriage—and was surprised by what she found. That was nine years ago. Today, her marriage with her husband is better than ever—thanks to the eight surprising truths she uncovered during that period of intense study and soul-searching.
Her book Marriage 101: Building A Life Together By Faith digs into those eight biblical truths and reveals how applying them can transform even the worst of relationships. (ISBN: 978-0-8007-3332-2, $13.99, February) Published by Revell (Baker Publishing); available at following Retail Outlets: Christian and Mainstream Retail Stores, and online at,,, and Revell offers practical books that bring the Christian faith to everyday life.
Ella: Tell us about your passion for writing. Why do you write? What drives you?
My passion is not for writing. My passion is for helping people. Therefore, I am driven to write.
Ella: Finish this sentence- My writing offers the following legacy to future readers...
Faith, Hope and Love. I want people, whether adults or children (I am a children’s writer as well) to experience God in a greater way after reading my books.
I share a story many know all too well. Whether in their own lives or in those of close family and friends. It’s a story about a marriage in trouble. I take you on my spiritual journey—of how my husband and I went from being engaged and enthusiastic to being frustrated and separated. I share the real issues that plague most marriages and the many challenges we faced. I share the disappointment I felt, looking at what was supposed to be “happily ever after.” But I also share how Lewis and I were able to rebuild our relationship and the lessons learned along the way as I implemented biblical truths from searching the Scriptures.
Ella: Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
The story is a parable of Sleeping Beauty. As you know, Jesus spoke in parables hidden messages. I want the readers to understand that the message is not so much about marriage, but more about how to become like Him. It is a transformational process. Once you become a better Christian, you will be a better wife, mother, friends, etc.
Ella: Who would this book really "speak to" and why?
Marriage 101 is not for everyone. I believe it is for those who desire to go to the next level with God. It is time for Christians to stop just going to church and become the church – people experiencing God through you no matter where you are.
Ella: Name 3 things that it takes to have a successful marriage, in your opinion?
1: Renew YOUR mind – you can have a better relationship. Think on the positive things about your spouse and do not concentrate on the present situation.
2: Change YOUR behaviors and perception – to have better relationships requires YOU to do something different. Doing the same things but expecting different results is INSANITY. I know most of you have heard the saying, “You can’t change others, but you can change yourselves.” Therefore, you must be the change you want to see in your marriage.
3: Work YOUR marriage. In other words, marriage is work. Successful couples understand that they have to make their marriage a priority and they do something everyday to acknowledge it. You only get out of it what you put into it – deposit love daily.
Ella: What can we expect from you in the future?
Traveling and teaching the eight biblical truths the Lord spoke to me. Holding marriage conferences and seminars to not only help those who are having trouble but helping keep those who already have great marriages strong.
Ella: Share with us your latest news, awards or upcoming book releases.
Marriage 101 was the Award-Winner in the Religion: Christian Inspiration category of the National Best Books 2009 Awards, sponsored by USA Book Best Books and the Marriage 101 Journal was a finalist. Marriage 101 is also listed as the #1 Bestseller list on I have a four (4) book mini-series coming out in December 2009 that covers marriage topics we all face: Sex & Intimacy, Communication, Parenting, and Finance.
Contact Info & Links for Jewell R. Powell
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Carmen Pease, Publicist
(616) 676-9185 ext. 317
Jewell R. Powell, Author
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