Author Name: Nesta A. Aharoni
Book Title: My Goodness: My Kids, Cultivating Decency in a Dangerous World
(Mom's Choice Award winner)
Web: http://www.mygoodnessmykids.com/
Book Title: My Goodness: My Kids, Cultivating Decency in a Dangerous World
(Mom's Choice Award winner)
Web: http://www.mygoodnessmykids.com/
My book inspires parents to focus first and foremost on goodness, honor, and
integrity--above and beyond all of the other things parents focus on today.
It teaches parents to recognize the many character-building opportunities
that occur in family units every day, and to act on them. It motivates
parents to look ahead to the type of person they will one day be releasing
into society.
Should we pay our kids for grades? Should we relax an arbitrary curfew in
order to allow our teenagers more personal freedom? What should we do about
R-rated movies and offensive song lyrics? Is it okay to discipline toddlers?
Is it helpful to allow kids to negotiate their own punishment? Does praise
build confidence or arrogance? These topics, and many more, are tackled in
"My Goodness: My Kids."
My Goodness: My Kids, has just been honored with a MOM'S CHOICE AWARD. Mom's
Choice Awards is the benchmark for excellence in family-friendly media, products, and services.
Nesta Aharoni, Author/Publisher
My Goodness: My Kids, Cultivating Decency in a Dangerous World
Mom's Choice Award Winner
San Diego, CA
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