Intimate Conversation with Ashea Goldson a Christian fiction author
Although Ashea Goldson is a new Christian fiction author, she is certainly no stranger to the craft of writing. She has been writing her whole life. She has written for local publications such as The Atlanta Christian Chronicle, The Senior News, The Georgia Poetry Society Newsletter and a variety of online publications. She has published several poetry collections as well as a non-fiction book entitled Resurrecting Vision:45 Steps To Digging Up Your Destiny And Seeing It Through God’s Eyes.
Although Ashea Goldson is a new Christian fiction author, she is certainly no stranger to the craft of writing. She has been writing her whole life. She has written for local publications such as The Atlanta Christian Chronicle, The Senior News, The Georgia Poetry Society Newsletter and a variety of online publications. She has published several poetry collections as well as a non-fiction book entitled Resurrecting Vision:45 Steps To Digging Up Your Destiny And Seeing It Through God’s Eyes.
Editing for her own publishing company, Goldwrite Publishing, a faith based traditional small press, keeps her busy. She is currently working on her second Christian fiction novel. Born in Brooklyn, NewYork, she is a graduate of Fordham University, a wife of twenty two years, a mother of two, the co- owner of a Christian school, a devoted member and community groups ministry leader of World Changers Church International.
Introduce us to your new book Lovechild.
Introduce us to your new book Lovechild.
Makaeli Lovechild Hunt, an African-American designer, a graduate of The Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City and a member of a prestigious New Jersey family is spending the best years of her life in Italy , building a formidable career in fashion. Armed with vengeful determination she runs from her bi-racial background, the intimacy of romantic love, friendships, her family and most importantly,God.
Along the way, she secretly longs to renew her relationship with God and she remembers Mrs. Pearl, a Christian woman, who introduced her to Christianity. Since being saved is more than just a walk to the altar as Makaeli has not yet learned, she believes that forgiveness and restoration are impossible.
She is busy rejecting the romantic advances of a caring Italian-American photographer when she receives the call that changes her life. Her abusive older sister is in a drug induced coma and her controlling oldest sister summons her home. With her emotions suppressed, she packs a mysterious note she has kept for years and decides this is the time to find out the truth behind it.
Within a period of seven days Makaeli goes home to battle a dying sister, a psychotic mother, and two overbearing siblings. To make matters worse she learns that she was switched at birth and that her biological mother is actually the dying sister she has hated all her life. Makaeli, unable to deal with the truth, flies back to Venice to resume the façade that is her life, only for God to remind her to forgive. With the encouragement of her gentleman friend, Antonio and her former confidante, Mrs. Pearl, she makes a final trip home for confrontation and resolution.
Inevitably, she makes her way back into the church, accepting God’s unconditional love, overcoming her fears and overcoming the bitterness that threatens to destroy her. Realizing that she is God’s lovechild, she stops running and sets out to mend all the broken relationships she abandoned along the way. Putting on the whole armor of God, through her re-dedicated salvation, she combats every work of the enemy and arises from victim to victorious.
Interview Questions:
1. What inspired you to write the Lovechild?
A surge of compassion toward the broken, a need to express God’s unfailing, undying love for those who are the most bruised in our world.
2. Who inspired the characters?
No one in particular. These are totally fictional characters.
3. Why did you choose to address the particular issues in Makaeli’s life?
I wanted to address the issues of abandonment, rejection, loneliness, and self-hatred because I feel these issues are so powerful and yet they are so basic.
4. Is there a message for readers to grasp?
The message is that God’s agape love is perfect and never ending, that no matter what you’ve gone through or done, that God can restore you.
5. Have you had to deal with any of the issues that Makaeli has had to deal with?
Well, both my parents are African American so I’ve never had to deal with the bi-racial issue. Likewise, I’ve never had to deal specifically with the kind of abuse that Makaeli suffered at the hands of her sister, but I can relate to human suffering. I’ve certainly been hurt before. I’ve also been on both the giving and the receiving end of forgiveness. Certainly I’ve experienced God’s love in both instances. As far as mental illness, no, my own mother has never suffered with mental illness.
6.What are your future aspirations as a Christian author?
My aspiration as a Christian fiction author is to write many more novels in this genre which will, hopefully, affect the hearts of hurting people. I would like to reach the entire world with the gospel through fiction.
7. How is the growing popularity of Christian fiction affecting everyday lives?
I think that people are getting saved and not only saved but delivered. I believe that Christian fiction is significant in combating a lot of the ignorance about God and about the Bible. Christian fiction puts these messages in a story format, much like Jesus did with parables, to get ordinary people to understand our extraordinary savior.
8. What is your next project?
My next Christian fiction novel is not the sequel to the Lovechild, although there will be a sequel. I am currently working on is called When Joy Comes In The Morning. It addresses the church’s position concerning abortions and out of wedlock pregnancies. The challenge is self-righteousness vs righteousness. These unmarried mothers are often humiliated at the church for their past sin while abortions are being done secretly everyday under the noses of the ministry.
9. You’re also a wife, a mother, an educator, an entrepreneur, and a poet can you tell me how you can you manage it all?
It’s only Christ who strengthens me and therefore I put him first in all that I do. I love what I do. In fact I’ve been called to do what I do so it’s not like work to me. I just trust God and keep going.
10. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your writing?
I’m very down to earth. I love God and my family and everything I do revolves around that. My life is pretty simple actually. Concerning my writing, God put that passion in me. I tried to ignore it for years but once I embraced it, then God released his anointing on my life. My writing is just an extension of who I am.
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