(May The Circle Be Unbroken)
My sistah friends,
Our lives are all
As in the marriage ceremony,
When the minister explains the rings
As symbols,
As circles,
Representing a continuum;
Representing the unending
So are we.
That is what we are
You and Me.
I am in You
And You are in Me
We have been pronounced one,
By our common experiences,
By our bloodline,
By our shared history, our shared heritage, our shared hope.
We are a part of the constant ebb and flow Of the universe and the circle of life.
It is proclaimed
"Enter these portals and learn
Depart and give to others".
"Enter what portals?", we say.
"Give what to others?", we ask.
We enter the portals of Life, of Love, of Marriage, Divorce,
Heartbreak, Hardship,Heartaches.
We learn lessons,
Sometimes, very hard lessons.
We must give from those lessons learned
Pour out the elixers
From the wellsprings, the pitchers of knowledge and wisdom
For others to drink
To be filled, refreshed, renewed and revived.
It is our duty to God, to our forefathers, to others and to ourselves.
It is our duty to give back, to share, to assist, to contribute.
As those who have gone on before us,
Who helped us to to navigate the winding paths,
We must teach, inspire, encourage, help and heal.
Like it has been done for each of us
Like it has been given to each of us
We must do the same.
Swaying back and forth on those
Old wooden benches
In that old country church
Our mothers had us in mind
Had our futures in mind
Had this future in mind
As they sang
To us, about us, for us
My Sistahfriends
The Circle of Friends
May The Circle Be Unboken
May The Circle Be Unbroken
By and By Lord
By and By.
Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved. PATRICIA NEELY-DORSEY author of Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems
Our lives are all
As in the marriage ceremony,
When the minister explains the rings
As symbols,
As circles,
Representing a continuum;
Representing the unending
So are we.
That is what we are
You and Me.
I am in You
And You are in Me
We have been pronounced one,
By our common experiences,
By our bloodline,
By our shared history, our shared heritage, our shared hope.
We are a part of the constant ebb and flow Of the universe and the circle of life.
It is proclaimed
"Enter these portals and learn
Depart and give to others".
"Enter what portals?", we say.
"Give what to others?", we ask.
We enter the portals of Life, of Love, of Marriage, Divorce,
Heartbreak, Hardship,Heartaches.
We learn lessons,
Sometimes, very hard lessons.
We must give from those lessons learned
Pour out the elixers
From the wellsprings, the pitchers of knowledge and wisdom
For others to drink
To be filled, refreshed, renewed and revived.
It is our duty to God, to our forefathers, to others and to ourselves.
It is our duty to give back, to share, to assist, to contribute.
As those who have gone on before us,
Who helped us to to navigate the winding paths,
We must teach, inspire, encourage, help and heal.
Like it has been done for each of us
Like it has been given to each of us
We must do the same.
Swaying back and forth on those
Old wooden benches
In that old country church
Our mothers had us in mind
Had our futures in mind
Had this future in mind
As they sang
To us, about us, for us
My Sistahfriends
The Circle of Friends
May The Circle Be Unboken
May The Circle Be Unbroken
By and By Lord
By and By.
Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved. PATRICIA NEELY-DORSEY author of Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems
"Meet Mississippi Through Poetry, Prose and The Written Word"
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