Ella: Welcome Marc! Give us the radio show details.
WP88.7 FM
Ella: Please finish this sentence: I am Powerful because...
I am Powerful because I trust God; give thanks in all things; and remain grateful through the good and the bad.
Ella: Where are you from? How did you start your writing journey?
I am from Paterson, New Jersey the oldest industrial city in the United States and the third largest city in the state of New Jersey. I started writing when I was a child, always responding to ads on the back of cereal boxes; Bazooka bubblegum inserts; writing letters to Santa Claus in my local newspaper; letters to the editor; television shows such as Zoom and writing letters to my cousins in Virginia. I took Creative Writing in high school and won several competitions. As I look back I find that I was always reading, writing and public speaking as a child and so it doesn't surprise me that those three areas are my areas of strength now.
Ella: What makes The Reading Circle/w Marc Medley standout and would entice a listener to tune in?
The Reading Circle w/Marc Medley is a one-of-a-kind radio show on independent radio. It is broadcast live out of William Paterson University in Wayne, NJ and listeners are treated to hearing authors tell about their work including the trials, tribulations and joy of becoming a published author. Listeners have an opportunity to call in and ask the author questions to learn more about the writing process or about the book itself. I believe my very down to earth approach during the interview process is also very inviting to both the guest and the listener.
Ella: Ultimately, what do you want listeners to gain from listening to The Reading Circle w/Marc Medley?
The overall purpose of the show is to promote the benefits of being an avid reader. I strive for my listeners to be educated, entertained, inspired, motivated and informed about the literary world.
Ella: What is the most surprising thing you have learned since hosting The Reading Circle w/Marc Medley?
The most surprising thing to me is that many of my authors never considered themselves to be writers. Some even with published work will still say they are not a writer. The other surprising thing is the willingness to help each other out in the industry and how down to earth many authors are.
Ella: What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a talk show host?
In my mind, my most significant achievement as a talk show host is my ability to bring people together. The ability to help others manifest their inspired dreams. The ability to have a listening audience hear authors talk about their work and ultimately increase the time spent on reading by the listeners and the number of books sold for the authors.
Ella: What advice would you give a new writer?
The best advice I would give a new writer is to keep writing and to never ever give up. Opportunity favors those who are prepared to take advantage of it.
Ella: Name 3 things that it takes to make a successful author/ talk show host, in your opinion?
Unwavering faith
Willingness to keep learning and honing your craft
Ella: What can we expect from you in the future?
My ultimate goal is to one day take The Reading Circle w/Marc Medley beyond the independent college radio network onto a major network and become syndicated around the world. The addition of web casting at WP88.7 FM is very encouraging and wonderful experience, so I look to one day be on a major network to reach an even wider audience. I also look to write my own book at some point in time.
Ella: How can the readers find your show to listen?
Tune in by going to http://www.wpradio887.org/ and stream on the web.
WP88.7 FM Brave New Radio
Saturdays 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m.
Web address: http://inside.fdu.edu/alumnipt/medley.html
Blog: http://thereadingcircleblog.blogspot.com/
"To manifest your inspired dreams, help others manifest theirs. We get what we'd love to have in life by helping others get what they'd love to have."
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