Intimate Conversation Interview with community leader Sharen Rooks and Ella Curry of EDC Creations Media Group
Sharen Rooks is a true renaissance woman who has learned how to successfully blend her personal pursuits as a loving wife and mother with her professional ventures which includes being an author, singer and founder of The Sharen Rooks Agency.
Her loyalty, attention to detail and results-driven attitude coupled with a passion for helping others succeed is noteworthy in her field of expertise. Yes, if you want it told, she's the one to tell it. In addition to promoting others, Sharen finds time to have a little fun as an actress, having performed in two local movies, "100 Lives", directed by Phil Wallace (2008) and "N-Secure", written by Julius Lewis & Christie Taylor and directed by David Matthews (2009).
The Sharen Rooks Agency is a public relations and community activist firm committed to the total public relations, marketing and booking needs of her clients. Our agency provides promotional needs via E-blast, TV, radio and print item. We help bring the hype about your event or business. Sharen Rooks was featured on Live@ 9, Channel 3 for her book, What Happens When God Moves; I received a prestige award from Memphis Woman Magazine,(2005) "50 Women Who Make A Difference", featured in two local movies, N-Secure written by Julius Lewis and Christie Taylor (2008) and 100 Lives directed by Phil Wallace (2008).
Sharen is married to her wonderful husband, Minister, Kevin Roosk of 15yrs and they have a 12yr old son. She teaches Sunday School at her local church and also leads Praise and Worship at a local nursing home in Memphis. Her other duties include teaching marketing techniques, inspirational speaking, and business coaching and consulting. Sharen is currently working on the second book with my husband, Minister Rooks, Handling Success with the One You Love. The overview will discuss how the business operates and the importance of making it all balance. The book will include various interviews from successful couples all over the world. (Release Date September 2009)
Ella: Welcome! Finish this sentence: I am Powerful because...
I am Powerful because...of God’s faith in me and my faith in God first and foremost. My life is a testament to God’s belief that I could become someone powerful for Him and He has allowed me to overcome my life’s adversity and I know that with God, my husband and family’s support I am empowered to succeed in whatever I set my mind and hand to.
Ella: Did your company change the way consumers were previously taught to think?
Yes, believe my company has changed the way people do business now because if you think back many years ago; when people made deals they were made with a simple or firm handshake. Which indicated to me a sign of honest relationship in action. My theory for success in any venture is having great relationships are key indicators as to how, when, what, who business takes place. The Sharen Rooks Agency thrives on true relationships.
Ella: What got you started in publicity business/industry?
I am a natural at networking and promoting other people and their dreams. Even while running a non-profit organization geared toward educating children, I found myself constantly spreading the word about other folk’s events and projects. Someone once joked that, “if you want it told, Sharen’s the one to tell it”; in essence that really helped me refocus my energies and launch the Sharen Rooks Agency.
Ella: How did you start your writing or speaker's journey?
Actually I’ve been speaking and writing from my youth, yet focus as a speaker came through my teaching parents life-coping skills while my first book came out of a necessity to pen my personal testimony which has been a source of inspiration in couples’ ministry for years.
Ella: What advice would you give someone just starting out in public relations?
My advice to anyone seeking to get into the public relations and marketing industry is to seek an accomplished mentor, do the research of the industry and build great connections in the field of public relations.
Ella: What do you enjoy most about your profession?
What I enjoy most about my profession is being able to do what I have a passion for and that’s “telling it” while getting paid to do that!
Ella: What are 3 things all leaders possess?
The 3 traits “good” leaders possess are great communication skills, personal integrity, and the ability to follow prior to being a leader.
Ella: How may the Black Pearls Readers contact you?
Sharen Rooks
Public Relations & Community Activist Firm
800*743*5659(O)Ext 1
Chase Davis
Crescendo Worldwide Entertainment
800*743*5659(O)Ext 2
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