My name is Mr. Bertrand Brown and I am a former teacher and the author of The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter and A Woman's Worth, both novels. Blessed I was taught to always give back once you've succeeded. I have therefore founded The Literacy Library, a free tutorial service which focuses on helping those at-risk, disadvantaged teenagers who do not have either the resources or care needed to excel in school.
At present I have thirty-four students, many of whom are quite bright despite not having the foundation to reach their full academic potential. So at present we here at The Literacy Library are doing everything within our willpower to get them and keep them on task.
In the midst of our annual book drive I am only hoping that you can donate some books to keep them reading, focused and on-task.
So, what kinds of books do they like you may ask? And all I can say is that their tastes vary as much as their personalities but if you like it I'm sure that they will as well. So send any and everything. New, used it doesn't matter. Anything from Danielle Steele to Alice Walker is welcomed and greatly appreciated.
If you feel it easier to send a gift certificate from Barnes & Nobles or Borders feel free. And if it's your intention to send books you'll find that by sending them at media or book rate it is very, very cheap.
I thank you for your time, support and caring.
Sincerely yours,
The Literacy Library
c/o Mr. Bertrand E. Brown
1706 Kay Street
Greensboro, N.C. 27405
P.S. Thanks again and please forward this request. Any questions please feel free to contact me at or
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