Uniting women and teenage girls to impact their world is the heart beat of The SISTAHS Ministry through partnering together in ministries of evangelism and compassion, to train, empower, support and encourage.
The SISTAHS Ministry gives leadership to at-risk teens, teen mothers, victims of domestic violence, authors, poets, women with business and other ministries. Through a shared vision and the empowering of the Holy Spirit, The SISTAHS Ministry works within the principles of the Bible to obey the great commandment and the great commission, carrying out Christ's redeeming work of love, mercy, and justice in the world.
Saved by grace
Saved by grace
In the beauty of holiness
Seeking to serve and encourage all women
Taking back what the devil has attempted to steal from us
Anointed by the power of God presenting our bodies
Holy and acceptable unto God which is our reasonable.
Service Victorious & Blessed!
Praise the Lord, My SISTAHS! Blessed and Victorious... And Loving It!
Thanks be to God who gives us VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ..." ~I Cor. 15:57
As we enter into this great time of Christmas celebration, we must not forget the reason we stand in the place of the Blessed and Victorious. The word commands that we are to Rejoice, O believer, that your life is bound up in Christ! Rejoice that in His holiness, you are likewise holy! Rejoice that in His eternal glorification, you are likewise glorified!
Stand true in your faith, and you shall evermore be clothed in the incorruptible and evermore shall you be given the gift of life eternal. Let our concerns for things take a back seat to this wisdom of the word of God. Whether it is layoffs, bailouts, foreclosures or rescue plans our faith and confidence in the word of God is the irrevocable answer to our stance.
Let our position conclusively remain in the place of the Blessed and Victorious.
Be Blessed, Evangelist Jean Overman
"We Don't Have the Spirit of Fear" from the International Chapters http://www.thesistahsministry.com/internationalchapters.htm
"Woman Stuff" from the PA Chapter http://www.thesistahsministry.com/p3110grouppachapter.htm
"God Can Change Your Life in an Instant" from the TN Chapter http://www.thesistahsministry.com/p3110grouptnchapter.htm
Minister Celeste Kelley, Co-Founder & Director
The S.I.S.T.A.H.S. Ministry International
P.O. Box 401121 * Redford, MI 48240-1121 * (313) 820-1315
E-Mail: TheSISTAHSMinistry@yahoo.com * Web: http://www.thesistahsministry.com