Single Women of Virtue: Survival Tactics

Single Women of Virtue: Survival Tactics
By Katrina Mitchell

Part I

Hold out for the authentic: Don't settle for a knockoff

Ladies, a lot of times we get caught off guard. How? We only look for advancements from lustful men outside the church. Newsflash! The devil is not afraid to come to church. His desire is to conquer. If he can break you down by sitting a spell, he will. When your adversary, the devil, perceives your strength and desire to be virtuous, he will lay out his red carpet of subtlety just for you. If he knows you're strong and he can't come at you directly, he will use his subtlety to join himself to you.

If you can't beat them, why not join them? Joining yourself to something or someone is a very, very powerful thing; it is not to be taken lightly. What you join yourself to becomes one with you; you become it and it becomes you. So if a man has a lust demon, you get that demon; if he has a spirit of poverty, you get that poverty and so on. We all have issues, but it's important to know exactly what you're getting into. When you are going through fiery trials, a man being handsome and good in bed is not going to make a bit of difference. In the heat of the battle you need a soldier, not a civilian.

Marriage is one of the most important decisions in life, so take your time. Do not go by the outer appearance alone. Don't fall for the old "God said you were my wife" line. Be wise; make your choice according to the word of God. Walk with confidence, know what you want, don't compromise or lower your standards. Know the difference between a man with a vision and a man with a pipe dream; you don't have 5 and 10 years of your life to waste. Boaz may take some time to get; anything worth having does not come easy.

Remember, at the end of the day you want a mighty man of valor, not a knockoff posing as one. A knockoff is what you get when you can't afford to get the real thing, the authentic. The authentic, the real is what you get when you're willing to pay the price for it. If the devil can pass a knockoff on to you, he will. The adversary is the king of knockoffs, isn't that why he fell like lightning in the beginning? Sometimes when we get impatient, because the price is great to wait, we are tempted to settle for less. Don't be impatient, don't settle; yes, you will suffer as you wait but the suffering of being single and waiting is not as great as the suffering you will go through for getting with the wrong man. God always knows what is best. God is able to see the end from the beginning. Allow God to lead you.

Single woman of God, your job is to stay close to the Lord, seek Him, choose friends wisely, and don't give place to the devil. He doesn't need a large place, all he needs is a small place and he will take it from there. Don't play superwoman, the devil knows exactly what you like. Unfortunately, everyone must face a season of temptation but during that time know it is what it is, a season; it will pass. Believe me, whatever the enemy has to offer is not worth the exchange. His ultimate goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. It's a fight, it's not easy but in the end you will be happy you waited for the right man.

If you have something personal going on with God, the enemy will try to seduce you out of that place. Once seduced, he will put you to sleep just like Delilah did Samson and you will wake up with your life ruined. Don't let the wrong man ruin your life it is so difficult to come back from the ruins. But if you've made a mistake in the past God is faithful and able to bring you out. So ladies, hold out for the authentic Boaz. Boaz is not a perfect man, as you are not a perfect woman. Boaz is the one who God has for you that compliments you in the Lord. A woman of God needs a man with a purpose and vision aimed in the same direction as hers. Don't compromise your virtue or your relationship with God for a cheap knockoff. See yourself as God sees you, precious. You deserve the best.

Scripture Reference (KJV):
Proverbs 31:10-31
Joshua 9
I Corinthians 6:15-17
II Corinthians 6:14-18
Judges 16
Ruth (entire book)

Copyright 2008, Katrina L Mitchell