Intimate Conversation with Author Tra-C J Pierce

Intimate Conversation with Tra-C J Pierce

Finally, I Found My Place, my new book, is about my journey towards excellence. I am allowing my readers to enter very private areas of my life. I am sharing with them my struggles in my marriage, financially, and as a woman. I had to realize my purpose for being here and what I should be doing with my roles as a mother, wife, Christian, minister, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker.

Women are just so amazing, from the way we walk to the way we express ourselves. We are able to multi-task like nobody’s business. When God made women He really declared His awesomeness, in my opinion. Think about it, creation wouldn’t have been completed without us. I am glad to be a woman. I am delighted that God chose my gender to be female. The truth is we experience many different things that men don’t, because we have so much passion for life.

We have huge agendas, so order is vital to our busy lifestyles. We want everyone to be happy and to have what they need. We are very charitable and donate much of our time to aid others. And we sometimes go without the attention that we need as women.

My book is a self-esteem builder. It‘s really written for women at large. The truth of the matter is every woman is not ready for such information. Every woman is not interested in improving their quality of life. Its purpose is to aid those women who want to live their life to the fullest potential. It’s main purpose is to assist women in finding their place and to live the life that God intended as He intended.

Finish this sentence: I am Powerful because...
I am powerful because I recognize that I am nothing without Christ. He is what makes my life worth living. He is the reason that life is as good as I make it. He is the force that motivates that very thought. Yes, I do believe that I was destined for greatness, but that greatness will only be because of Him. If I should soar it will be because of Him and Him alone. For He is the wind beneath my wing.

Where are you from? How did you start your writing journey?
I was born and raised in Houston, TX. I started my writing journey with speaking. I was called into the ministry at 23. I later began speaking and conducting Seminars. The Seminar materials would be things that I had written.

What makes your book stand out and would entice a reader pick it up?
My book is very down to earth and an easy reader. It’s not intimidating.

Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
I want my readers to gain self-esteem and to learn to be all they can be. I want them also to learn the importance of order and divine placement by God.

What is the one most surprising thing you have learned in creating books?
That I could actually do it.

What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a writer?
Completing this tedious task. I did so by being determined and not giving up.

What advice would you give a new writer?
I really believe everyone has a story. I encourage all aspiring authors to tell there story whether it’s good or bad.

What can we expect from you in the future?
I am the author of 5 books. I hope to get a writing contract and become a world renown Motivational Speaker.

Contact author Tra-C J Pierce
Email: or tracspeaks@aol.ccom