by author and poet Gwynita Leggington
I am a woman of substance. I walk with pride. I have a style of my own. My elegance comes from inside. I hold my head high; not ashamed of my past. I am a real woman; a real woman at last.
No one knows the pain I've been through. No one knows how I've suffered too. I am a real woman. I can survive this race. I can keep it together, and keep a smile on my face.
A real woman; strong and wise. I ignore the jealousy; I ignore the lies. I'm real and very true from the heart. I'll let you know this from the start. Surviving the worst, and taking care of my needs. I am a real woman; a real woman indeed. Copyright © 2006 Gwynita Leggington
A real woman is true to herself. She holds her head up high. She doesn't waddle in pity; or sit back and cry. A real woman is a survivor.
She can stand on her own feet.With God by her side,she can't be beat.A real woman has courage;she has spunk and grace. Even when she is down,she has a smile upon her face.
A real woman will make it. A real woman will excel. She will keep on striving,whether she wins or fails. Copyright © 2006 Gwynita Leggington
Are you feeling this? Tell us about what A Real Woman means to you.
Gwynita Leggington is a writer on a mission. Her creative writing style speaks for itself. Gwynita is a published author, columnist, editor, freelance writer, poet and researcher. In addition, she is the owner of Infinity Literary Services.
Gwynita has written poetry, short stories and essays since the age of ten, and she has always enjoyed sharing her work with others. Gwynita realized at a very young age that she was destined to become a writer. She published her first essay entitled "America the beautiful," at the age of ten, which appeared in a weekly television publication.
Throughout the years, her pieces have appeared in newspapers, programs and anthologies. In 1992, her poem "Everlasting Friendship" appeared in A View From the Edge (an anthology published through the International Library of Poetry). In 2006, her poom entitled "Where Is The Light," appeared in Timeless Voiceless (International Library of Poetry). Gwynita's articles have appeared in The Panther (PVAMU college newspaper) and in the Waller County News Citizen (weekly newspaper). In addition, her poems are featured on Poetry.com .
Gwynita published her first poetry book entitled "A Walk In My Shoes," in March of 2007. Her book is composed of a variety of beautiful poems. This soulful and creative collection of poetry was published through Outskirts Press, Inc. Visit her website today: http://www.gwynitaleggington.com/