The Holiday Inn By Farrah Rochon

The Holiday Inn By Farrah Rochon, Phyllis Bourne Williams, Stefanie Worth

The holidays are far from magical when your relationship is on the rocks. But with a seductive setting and some Christmas spirit, three couples have a chance to rekindle the spark of romance.

"A Change of Heart" Farrah Rochon A husband and wife come to the Inn to say one last good-bye before giving up on their marriage, but when a snowstorm leaves them stranded, the romantic surroundings reignite their banked desire.

"Can You Believe" Stefanie Worth When a visit from the Spirit of Christmas gives newlyweds a glimpse into a future without each other, can a trip to the Holiday Inn persuade them to make a passionate new beginning?

"By New Year's Day" Phyllis Bourne Williams A desperate husband whisks his reluctant wife off on a romantic vacation to the Holiday Inn, where he plans to renew her passion with a sexy New Year's kiss.

Leisure Books
ISBN-10: 0843961570
ISBN-13: 978-0843961577