Guaranteed Book Writing Success Plan

Guaranteed Book Writing Success Plan
By Douglas Robert

If you ever thought about writing your book but have yet to get it done, what's holding you back? Maybe you got started writing one day fueled by inspiration and wrote several pages, or even a chapter. But then you shoved it into a drawer and went on with your life as though your writing didn't count.

If at any time in your life you wanted to write a book, or dreamed about becoming a bestselling author and you aren't actually writing your book now, this article is for you.

There's an old Raymond Stanford quote that comes to mind -- "You are the only problem you will ever have and baby, you are the only solution." As with most things in life, these words also apply to writing your book. In other words, if you want it and you're not yet accomplishing your book writing goals, there is only one reason: you have allowed yourself to get in the way. But the good news is that you and only you can change these results.

"If it is to be, it's up to me" says pastor and author, Robert Schuller. Understanding this basic concept and accepting total responsibility for the results in your life is a necessary requirement to achieve your goal of writing a book.

With this foundation in place, here's your guaranteed book writing success plan.

1. Clarify Your Thinking
Decide on the one book you're going to write. If you're considering more than one, choose the one that gets you most excited. That's the best place to start. Now cast the others aside and begin to focus exclusively on your topic. Develop the single purpose of writing your book and seeing it through. Make it a priority in your life and pursue its completion with dogged determination.

2. Develop A Plan For Your Book
A plan is crucial. If you've ever started on a writing project and abandoned it before completion, more than likely you didn't have a complete plan in place from the start.

Start by mapping out the key ideas. Choose the best ones and break them down further. Each key idea becomes a chapter in your book. Turn your map into a detailed outline by thinking through the overall project and each of its component parts. This organizes your material chapter-by-chapter, topic-by-topic, even page-by-page. When you know exactly what you're going to cover and where it's going, writing your book is a walk in the park.

3. Imagine The End Result
Picture yourself holding your completed book in hand and notice how it feels. Imagine the crowds at your book signing events eager to snap up copies of your work. See the sales coming in everyday as word spreads about your red-hot book. Fuel your desire by constantly thinking about the results you want. Repeatedly visualizing your desired results injects a "success consciousness" which reinforces the positive habit of writing everyday and moving towards your desire.

4. Build Your Self Confidence
It doesn't matter where you've been or what you've accomplished in your life before. You can write a successful book. But you have to believe in yourself and your own abilities enough to see it through. Each line of text is one line closer to the finish line. That's all any book is in essence anyway. It's a whole bunch of lines put together, one after another, until it makes a book. So if you can write even a single sentence, you can surely repeat it any number of times. Use each line to propel you forward to the next one.

5. Make The Commitment To Finish Your Book No Matter What
Control your attention and stay focused on your project. Develop a dogged determination to see it through regardless of any challenges life tosses your way.

Concentrate on your ability to add one more line, one more paragraph, or one more segment. Never let any obstacle stop you. Keep moving forward and everyday you advance closer towards your dream.

There you have it - a proven book writing success plan. If you sincerely want to write a book, keep this article at your side and refer to it frequently. Do that and you will succeed - you will get it done. You'll write that amazing book that will help many people and quite possibly earn you a fortune.

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