Bonton Has Left The Stage

Bonton Has Left The Stage

©2008 M. Bennett Hooper aka Grangran ElderPoet

James Graves aka “Bonton the Poet” has left the stage.
The lights are dimmed and no music plays as we watch his last fade to black
My eyes are tearless because he was fearless.

He was more than special in his short, arrogant, talented 27 years of life.
He honored me with his friendship and occasional collaboration.
Bonton has left the stage and I am saddened by the thought of our unfinished reality.
We shall meet again and he will be whole and pain free when my time comes to embrace the universe.

I feel him on the wind of change and acknowledge his place in my memory and heart
So I say sleep in peace Bonton you earned it as you await that which for all will be a great awakening.

May peace embrace you forever young brother.
One of your elders speaks now.

AIDS did not win you did for you are once again free
As your soul always was and will be.

“Namaska, the God in me salutes and honors the God in you.”
And we shall meet again.