Intimate Conversation with Nika C. Beamon - TV News Producer
Nika C. Beamon is a TV News Writer/Producer in New York. She pursued a BA in Communications and a BA in Sociology at Boston College in Massachusetts.
Beamon has been credited as a reference in the several books on television news and has also won many awards throughout her career including a Peabody Award for ABC News’ coverage of the September 11th Attacks.
In 2009, Chicago Review Press published her well-received non-fiction book: I Didn’t Work This Hard Just to Get Married: Successful, Single Black Women Speak Out. In 2000, she published her first mystery novel, Dark Recesses. In 2002, her second mystery novel, Eyewitness was released.
Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House by Nika Beamon sheds light the experiences of African American and other minorities who have a well-documented history of getting substandard or inadequate medical treatment in the U.S. A research study cited in a February 14, 2010 Daily Beast article said “race-related differences in health care cost the country 229 billion between 2003 and 2006” alone; a fact that “Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius called ‘just stunning and shocking.’”
Misdiagnosed serves a cautionary guide to anyone who falls ill or has a loved one suffering with an ailment in the US. A recent John Hopkins study found that hospital errors lead to as many as 40,500 patients dying annually.
The Mayo Clinic found 26 percent of cases are misdiagnosed; this number rises to a staggering 44 percent when it comes to some types of cancer according to the Journal of Clinical Onocology. These mistakes cost nearly one third of the 2.7 trillion spent in the US on healthcare. A study published in April showed one in every 20 people or 12 million per year are misdiagnosed at outpatient clinics in the U.S. [ Source ]
Anyone who has not had a chronic illness.
Anyone who has a chronic illness.
Anyone who has cared for someone with a chronic illness.
Anyone who has treated, or attempted to treat, someone with a chronic illness.
Anyone who influences health policy in the U.S. or other countries.
BPM: What inspired you to sit down and actually start writing this book? Why now?
I sat down to write this book after having my first lymph node biopsy and realizing the delay in my diagnosis may have led to my illness progress to the near terminal stage. Family, friends and co-workers encouraged me to share my story to inspire others. Months later, the first draft of Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House was complete.
BPM: Does your upbringing, prior relationships or life experiences inspire your writing?
Certain my life experiences have taught to me to embrace myself, flaws and all, so that I can keep growing and sharing who I am with the world. My upbringing taught me I’m capable of succeeding, despite my limitations, with the help of my support system.
BPM: Where do your book ideas come from? Are your books plot driven or character driven? Why?
My book ideas are influenced by the stories I read about or come in contact with every day. I’d like to think my books are character driven; that readers connect with someone in the story and go on the journey with them. However, I believe the social themes I address are equally as important to grasp.
BPM: Introduce us to your current work. What genre do you consider your book? Is this book available in digital forms like Nook and Kindle?
My new book is my first memoir, Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House. I work in television and am a self-professed TV junkie so naturally I was a fan of the show, “Dr. House, MD.” When my own illness seemed to baffled doctors, I searched for a doctor, like the one on the show, who could help figure out what was wrong with me. It takes me 17 years and nearly 22 doctors to find an answer but thankfully I survived to get it. The book will be available a paperback and in all e-book forms starting August 1st.
BPM: Give us some insight into your main speakers. What makes each one so special?
The main speakers in the book real people: me and my ex-boyfriend. You gain great insight into our nearly decade long romantic relationship and the toll my physical decay takes on it. Additionally, you are introduced to my parents and several close friends that form a village to take care of me when I am unable to do so myself.
BPM: What topics are primarily discussed? Did you learn anything personal from writing your book?
Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House deals with a variety of topics including: being sick and single, dealing with chronic illness, the plight of medical misdiagnosis, the financial toll prolonged illnesses take, the role of the caregiver in the lives of the chronically ill and the strength of the human spirit, as well as the role of faith in healing. Reflecting on the various bouts with illness in my life taught me to appreciate where I am in my life right now and all those who have aided me.
BPM: What defines success for you, as a published author? What are your ambitions for your writing career?
The only real ambition I have as a writer is to tell stories that entertain and enlighten readers about subjects, persons or thoughts they don’t often consider. I define success as anytime I reach anyone outside of my circle of friends, family and co-workers.
BPM: What are your expectations for this book? What would you like for readers to do after reading this book?
I truly hope this book as used as a resource to aid other people struggling with illness. I provide tips at the end to help others avoid the pitfalls I ran into so that they can focus on getting well.
BPM: How can readers discover more about you and your work?
Readers can find out more about me and my other books by logging onto my website:
Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House by Nika Beamon
Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House is the tale of a Nika Beamon's quest to find the correct medical diagnosis after years of getting false assessments. This frank and engaging story takes the reader on journey through her various hospital trips, and procedures, as well as her feeling and emotions that are as real as they are raw. It also introduces them to a quirky cast of characters who go through this 17 year odyssey with her until she finally finds out that she has an autoimmune disorder.
Misdiagnosed gives a voice to the 30 million Americans diagnosed with rare diseases, who have struggled to figure out what ail them. It gives people suffering with chronic conditions, rare or not, tips on how to continue to get the best medical care possible. I also provide tips on how to care for someone who is chronically ill and the things all single chronically ill people should do to make things easier for their family and friends.
Also, Misdiagnosed serves a cautionary guide to anyone who falls ill or has a loved one suffering with an ailment in the US. A recent John Hopkins study found that hospital errors lead to as many as 40,500 patients dying annually. Also, a study published in April showed 1 in every 20 people or 12 million per year are misdiagnosed at outpatient clinics in the U.S.
Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House has been endorsed by bestselling authors Wes Moore, Marya Hornbacher and Richard Cohen (Meredith Vieira’s husband) as well as Dr. Robert Lahita of UMDNJ and the Nation Women’s Health Network.
Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House available on August 1, 2014 on,, Barnes and and in all e-book formats.
Purchase at Smashwords. Available formats: epub, mobi, pdf, rtf, lrf, pdb, txt
Link for the book:
Advance Reviews for Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House
“Misdiagnosed is an eye-opening, fascinating account of a brave journey through the labyrinth of American medicine. Beamon draws the reader in skillfully, and gives us a close up view of the power of human persistence.”
—Marya Hornbacher, a Pulitzer Prize and Pushcart Prize nominated author. Her bestselling books include: Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia; Madness: A Bi-Polar Life and Waiting: A Non-Believer's Guide to a Higher Power.
“How long can my body endure all the invasions by doctors? Nika Beamon’s cry is heard throughout Misdiagnosed: The Search for Dr. House. That doc does not exist, of course, but the author’s journey across hazardous terrain in the medical jungle did. Her misery being mangled by modern medicine provides lessons on arming ourselves for the battles many of us face.”
—Richard M. Cohen, New York Times Best Selling author of Blindsided and Strong at the Broken Places.
“This is a book is a “must read” for all doctors and healthcare professionals... Enigmatic to most physicians, devastating to patients, the stuff of science fiction, and limitless in presentation; autoimmune diseases are the frontier of medicine in the 21st century. They demand an understanding of complex science and while practicing the art of medicine with compassion…Read Nika’s story to understand why patients long for a diagnosis.”
—Robert G. Lahita MD, PhD, FACP, MACR, FRCP, Chairman of Medicine and VP, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, Professor of Medicine, UMDNJ
“Misdiagnosed” is a gripping medical detective story. It could be a fictional episode of “House” from the patient’s perspective, but this story is real. It is a raw telling of Nika Beamon’s journey through high-tech American health care. Just as she recounts stripping naked for doctors’ probes and surgeons’ scalpels, Beamon bares hers physical and emotional tribulations to readers.”
—Andrew Holtz, MPH Editor-In-Chief, HoltzReport and author of The Medical Science of House, M.D.
“Nika's book is a well written, eye opening, call to action. An inspiring, yet alarming story that lets us know that even in our darkest and most alone moments, that we are not alone.”
—Wes Moore, Bestselling author of The Other Wes Moore.
“…Everyone with an invisible illness, whether named or not, will relate to Nika Beamon's hidden dramas in her life, dealing with the daily frustrations of a mysteriously uncooperative body -- and then, often worse, with an ill-equipped, punishing medical system…”
—Paula Kamen, Author of All in My Head: An Epic Quest to Cure an Unrelenting, Totally Unreasonable, and Only Slightly Enlightening Headache
“...I truly enjoyed reading this book, not just because it was relatable to the stories I hear a lot from women, but because you incorporated your personal trials into it as well.”
“...I believe it will truly help someone as they are on the quest for their own. More people need to realize that doctors truly don’t know everything and that doctors can be learning about a patient’s illness right along with them!”
—Shaniqua D. Seth, Health Communications Manager, National Women's Health Initiative
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