Intimate Conversation with Dr. Sherine Vie, Ph.D.
Born in South Africa, with roots in India, Dr. Sherine Vie, a former Swiss-based medical device scientist changed her career to natural health after losing her father to heart disease and helping her mother recover from breast cancer. Facing heart-breaking challenges while living solo in six countries, in 2004 Dr. Vie Research pioneered Dr. Vie SuperFoods™ in the North Americas, and since 2007 Dr. Vie SuperKids mentors children and recently, Dr. Vie Academy with Dr. Vie Radio helps all ages globally. Dr. Vie is focused on restoring the link between humanity, nature and the source of all life. Dr. Vie is a mountain-lover and has trekked many ranges including the Himalayas.
BPM: Your background is an unusual one for a female! How did you leave everything that you knew behind, to live on your own in six countries?
It just seemed like the natural thing to do at that time! In the introduction to the book, I talk about my Life Express program that shows up each time I have a burning question about life. I pose a question and shortly thereafter I board the Life Express. I’ve enjoyed finding my way in foreign countries- not knowing anyone, finding a place to live in, learning about the people, cultures and languages, and discovering more about myself with each challenge. The advantages of being single I suppose! I find no need for a holiday because life is an adventure on its own, as long as you stay neutral.
BPM: You’ve been a scientist and entrepreneur with a vegan food factory, what led to the idea of a book?
Well, I’ve lived alone in over 22 cities world-wide and traveled to more than 100, experiencing quite a bit over the decades. After the sudden loss of my father and helping my mother recover from breast cancer, I changed my career from medical device scientist to researcher of life potential. I then plunged into the world of poverty. But found my inner strength to survive through daily meditation and running at dawn.
As I developed the factory, I created Dr. Vie SuperKids and gave my earnings to children, four of whom, five years later won bronze medals at the London Olympics. I’ve seen it all as a female woman in the business world. One thing I know for sure, even though there is rapid progress in technology and wealth on the one hand, there is much suffering and poverty on the other hand, right at home and around the world.
Money can never buy happiness or solve eternal problems, because happiness is not for sale and the problems are mostly human made. As you know I ‘m a mountain lover, so while trekking in the Himalayas last year desperately seeking the answer to the question: “Why is there so much heart-ache around the world?” all I can say is that “I received the needed guidance.” When I returned to South Africa with my mother, I began to ponder about how to convey my revelations to the world. So after moving to yet another place in North Americas, I automatically started to write.
BPM: How did you come up with these intriguing characters, and the idea for mixing fantasy, you call it “fable,” into such controversial content of the book?
I lived the writer’s life sleeping on a yogi bed, surviving with just one plate, one cup, and a few folding tables and chairs! But, I did have a spectacular view of the mountains and water all around me! So as I wrote, the characters started showing up in my Life Express and I enjoyed having them around me, and they came to life. Thereafter my mind was on a roll, and so the game developed. The characters are really the messengers to help both children and adults to truly come to grips with how to use the power in the Magical Weapons to tap into their life potential and achieve joy in their daily lives, and help the world also.
BPM: So tell us about these Magical Weapons and what are they for?
The Weapons of Veedinti are divine weapons that do not cause harm but actually create love and miracles. They are used in the seven main areas of life, sexuality, family, nourishment, friendships, work, relaxation and introspection.
In the book, the Magical Weapons are revealed to one of the characters, through a lost Book of Secrets- with a set of eleven Books. Through the eleven Books she learns to recognize the problems in each of the seven areas, and discovers their root causes. Then the Magical Weapons transform the problems into miracles.
BPM: Can you lead us through some of the key points in the Book of Secrets?
Book One, of the Book of Secrets, dives deep into the root cause of all the world’s problems, which are in fact your and my personal problems, that we face each day, some more than others. Let’s be frank, if we lived our lives well, we would not need the police or laws or rules to control our behavior. We would enjoy being good and doing good naturally, as we love everyone without discrimination. As that is not the case, the book starts off by diving deep into the first most important question: who am I? You question your own identity.
BPM: You say that we must understand the root cause of the problem before we can learn how to change it, tell us more.
Book One The Secret Crime Of All Time, takes the bull by the horns and reveals the root cause of all the pain in your life, your home, your communities, your nation and throughout the world- be prepared for it will shock you. Then in Book Two you learn about how women were brave enough to try and overcome the problem, but unknowingly dug a deeper grave that is now swallowing up the rest of the world.
BPM: Oh no, but how can we change that?
Book Three is the key to changing and shaping the future, even when everything that can possibly go wrong does, sometimes all in the same day. It makes you understand how people take the wrong decisions and sometimes end up harming or killing others. Parents will understand things like teen rage and teen suicide. Those who have lost loved ones at an early age, or have experienced hardship, begin to understand why such things happened. Then the Book becomes your companion as you make choices whenever you find yourself at crossroads in your life.
BPM: But everyone is so different, how can your Magical Weapons work for everyone?
Brilliant question: Book Four unravels what makes each of us so unique and why we must get to know our unique powers, so that we can learn how to keep both our body and our mind naturally at peace, no matter what the situation. You learn why the same solution cannot be as effective even on identical twins! You come face to face with what makes you tick. Mental illness, depression, loneliness and unhappiness are really big problems these days, I write about this also.
In Book Five, you enter the first of five Battlegrounds, in which you need to use the Magical Weapons to win the battle, before the final Battle in Book Eleven. Book Five unravels the mysteries of the powerhouse of your life- your brain and gives you the first two of the Magical Weapons of Veedinti, and a bag of secret tools to protect your brain from mental illness, depression and unhappiness. You learn to keep the brain working at your beck and call, as your own magical genie in a bottle!
BPM: Are there any Magical Weapons for sexuality and intimate relationships?
That’s the hot button for sure! Book Six is an eye opener as it leads the characters through the throes of infidelity, sexual abuse, prostitution, sexual deviance, addictions and human trafficking. Then you learn how to be fully equipped to win the war in this Battleground, if you want to enjoy blissful sexual intimacy with your partner while at the same time erasing sexual crimes world-wide.
BPM: Can the Magical Weapons be used to improve relationships, marriage, and family life?
Book Seven reveals how to prepare for a relationship, how to select a mate using the Magical Weapons, and how to enjoy a soulful, lifelong relationship with your mate without distrust, infidelity, sexual abuse, incest or domestic violence as you enter the Battleground of the family.
You learn how help your children win their battles too, during the important time of childhood. Parents learn how to guide their kids to adulthood and have joyful relationships with them throughout life, even as parents get older. Singles, aging, becoming in-laws, grandparents and seniors are also major topics here. You learn why there is a rampant escalation in childhood disorders like bullying, gangs, drug use, violence, depression, delinquency and how do to guide our kids to protect themselves against it?
BPM: Dare I ask: are there Magical Weapons for food?
Book Eight takes you into the Battleground of food, and unravels the mysteries of the complicated world of food, energy, alertness, weight loss, anorexia, and food related illnesses. You learn the three main secret weapons of food, how to select foods, how to prepare them and also how to eat food so that your body naturally shapes itself so that your mind is at peace whether you are on your own or with others. Having the perfect weight becomes a no brainer!
BPM: You have an interesting chapter on how to select your friends and change your life?
Yup, you cannot choose your family, but you can surely choose your friends! For most people, friends influence their future and their life. On the other hand, friends can become your worst nightmare, and may even be the cause of your early death! So the Battleground in Book Nine, is an important one, and is war that you must win if you want to decrease stress in your life and feel inner peace knowing that you can trust your friends with your life and the lives of others in the world.
You discover why mind-related illnesses such as, depression, loneliness, memory loss and loss of self-confidence are on the rise at earlier ages and how can you can reclaim peace of mind by surrounding yourself with the right people. You learn why we depend on drugs, alcohol, smoking, food, money or sex to bring us happiness and how we can empower ourselves with an endless, internal, regenerative supply of happiness?
BPM: Are there any Magical Weapons for us in the work place?
Book Ten is the toughest Battleground before the final one. You learn how to use the Magical Weapons to prepare for and choose the best job of your life, and discover how to be successful and feel at bliss while you are working and making a difference not just in your life but around the world. The Magical Weapons here are very powerful, whether you are a homemaker, the head of your family, a CEO or a leader of a nation.
BPM: So what is the final Battleground?
Now, you will need to wait to read the book for this important nugget in Book Eleven, the Final Battle. But I can tell you, that you will have less need for psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists after winning the final battle! You discover how to deal with the issues of aging with dignity from middle age to elder, and leaving this body with immense grace. You also learn how to deal with the death of a loved one and at the same time help the departed rest in peace. You learn how tap into your precious Gift and use it each day. Your life will be changed forever and you will feel bliss as you enjoy living life fully each day from a center of peace.
BPM: What about children can the Magical Weapons help them?
Absolutely, this Book of Secrets is called the beginner’s guide, to give you a quick introduction to all the Magical Weapons, the nine characters and the seven Battlegrounds where you must win the battles. The book is excellent for teens through seniors, and for both men and women. It has important tools to improve your life no matter what phase you are at. Even though it is focuses on the dilemma of three females it addresses pivotal issues that face men in our society today. The Magical Weapons are the same for both genders. The Great Rescue- entry level one can be used by both kids and adults, and levels two and higher Taming the Human Impostor Game, are for adults. You learn to practice the use of the Magical Weapons in everyday life and learn how to make better decisions under any circumstance.
BPM: You also continue the interaction and training in the Dr. Vie Radio show. Tell us more.
Yes, the show is aptly named after the title of the first chapter in the book: Who, Do You Think You Are? The show addresses the dilemma of us juggling identities in the seven areas of our life and how we struggle to keep them all together. It is a fun filled light hearted show that addresses important topics. You can call in live or interact with us in the chatroom and also rank actual life situations on the infamous Life Scale that I have created. Go online to take the express Life Profile for free. The Dr. Vie Academy offers different training packages also.
BPM: When readers buy the book they also get the Life Profile gift, tell us more.
Go online to: click on the link for the Book, input your receipt for the book and you receive the full Life Profile so you can know your current life rank on the Life Scale and track it over time as you age and as you make decisions in your life. I have several online and live-event trainings through Dr. Vie Academy to help you along the way. Follow us on our social media to keep abreast of all our contests, invitations and special events, where you get to taste our foods as well.
BPM: How do we get the vegan, chocolate, gluten-free foods?
You can order Dr. Vie SuperFoods online. Oh, yes, if you are have mastered Book Ten, are dedicated, and looking for an opportunity to expand our fresh food family business in the USA, then send me an email.
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Taming The Female Impostor: Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity
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