Bonding Thru Books - Diversity Is Not To Be Feared

Diversity Is Not To Be Feared
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- 8:00 PM All Booked UP Panel Discussion

“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort, where we overlap.”
— Ani DiFranco

Books by African American writers should be read around the world, which is our belief! We bring wonderful stories to the minds and imaginations of everyone. We have stories to tell, using our voices and our experiences, that speaks to all races and cultures. This panel brings together event planners, online media sources, respected columnists and bookstore owners to discuss the diversity found within our literary community. Our stories are stories that can be embraced around the world.

During the Bonding Thru Books Literary Festival, we will introduce readers to cross-genre books meant to be enjoyed by ALL READERS, period! We want readers, all readers, from all races, to appreciate the work of authors of color!

The panelists will discuss how various events and tradeshows are amazing platforms for authors who are recognized as having cross-over books. There are events that are beneficial in sharing cross-over books with their audience. We are aware that there are authors that are totally targeted to African American readers. We will discuss that and find out why they decide to only target African American readers.

* Social Media Networking: It Takes a Village
* A Community Call to Action: Literacy NOW!
* What are the Benefits of Attending a Diverse Selection of Events
* Challenging the Myth White Readers Won't Read Books by A.A. Authors
* Benefits of attending Comic-Con 2014, Book Expo America, RT Booklovers Convention, Sisters in Crime Inc. Conference, National Bookclub Conference, Romance Writers of America Conference and Congressional Black Caucus-Author’s Pavilion.

Bonding Thru Books Nightly Themes

11/20/2013  - Bridging the Literary Divide Panel
11/21/2013  - All Booked UP! Panel Discussion 
11/22/2013  - Reclaiming the Dream: 50 Years After the March
11/23/2013  - Beacons of the Future Author Showcase
11/24/2013  - Black Writers on a Mission (New Releases)
11/25/2013  - A Thousand Steps to Health and Healing