Intimate Conversation with Patricia Anne Phillips

Baldwin Hills Housewives 
by Patricia Anne Phillips

Baldwin Hills Housewives is a story of five women that lives in Baldwin Hills, in the county of Los Angeles, California, and supports each other personally and professionally without hesitation.

Shonna Dupree, a lawyer that practices Family Law. She takes on clients and fights to win as she is struggling through her own divorce. Her husband Ron Dupree divorces her for someone else he is in love with, a man.

Robin Flanigan, a successful Real Estate Agent with a background that only one housewife knows about. She gets a phone call from Child Services; her cousin died and left her eight year old daughter for Robin to take in. Robin knows nothing about parenthood. The father is believed to be dead, until one evening a stranger rings her doorbell.

Sky Landers and her husband Monte have a wonderful marriage. Monte owns his own Construction Company and accepts a job in Las Vegas. The job is completed, and Monte goes home, but when he arrives in LA, only blocks from his home, he stops at a florist to buy roses for Sky, and is caught up in a dangerous robbery.

Karla St. James and her husband Martin are happily married. Karla is a bestselling novelist; Martin has his own publishing company. They are financially secured, but Karla has one secret, she shoplifts in different malls.

Candace Brown and her husband Kenneth are a close, religious family with an eleven year old daughter. The ladies respect Candace for her wisdom and encouragement. Candace owns a local restaurant and has three employees. The restaurant catches on fire with Candace and her employees inside. Candace is forced to figure a way out to save their lives.  Baldwin Hills Housewives supports each other. Although they have different views about life, they will be friends forever. 

Intimate Conversation with Patricia Anne Phillips

Patricia Anne Phillips resides in Los Angeles, California. She has written nine romance novels. Her first novel Something In Common was self-published. June In Winter, her second novel was published at Kensington Publishing and was featured in Romance Times Magazine as Best Multicultural and best first time Multicultural Romance. As an enthusiastic fan of the romance genre, Patricia was inspired to begin writing her own romance novels.

BPM: When did you get your first inkling to write, and how did you advance the call for writing?
When I started reading novels I think I always knew that one day I would write a book of my own. It was just time for me to stop procrastinating and do something about it. Now, I wish I would have years earlier.

BPM: Introduce us to your book and the primary topics. What makes each one special? 
Baldwin Hills Housewives is a story of five women. There is a vast audience that watches OC Housewives, Beverly Hills Housewives, and Atlanta Housewives but there are no housewives in Los Angeles. So I thought it was a good time to write my book.

As for Falling In The Deep, it’s a story that will give readers the real meaning of their marriage vows, a sense of commitment and responsibility. It deals with one woman's journey with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

BPM: What are you most thankful for right now, today?
I am most thankful that every day when I wake up I can open my eyes and get out of bed.

BPM: Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book? When someone finishes your book, what would you like for them to do?
I want readers to be entertained by reading Baldwin Hills Housewives, and for Falling In The Deep, get more knowledge of Multiple Sclerosis and be deeper commented to their marriage and spouse.

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Patricia Anne Phillips

Baldwin Hills Housewives by Patricia Anne Phillips

Falling In The Deep by Patricia Anne Phillips