Russel Blake has been a Music Producer/Professional Musician/Concert Soloist/Educator for over 3 decades. As a music producer, Mr. Blake has created a multitude of projects covering all genres of music. His last CD project entitled “Quiet Strength” is a powerful and soulful jazz project that received critical and commercial success. His next soon to be released CD project is entitled “Fierce Solitude” and is highly anticipated.
Russel Blake has also just self-published his first book entitled “Proverbs 31: The Virtuous Black Woman Volume 1.” The strength of the idea is to communicate the precious and priceless value/existence of Black Women to the minds of black men, the rights to be treated with unwavering respect and dignity in the minds of black women and the seeds of reverence to be sown by virtue of changing perception one community at a time.
If one Black Woman is thought to be expendable, then every Black Women’s immeasurable value is now diminished in the eyes of the world.
“Proverbs 31: The Virtuous Black Woman” is published by Man of Psalms Publishing. It is a book of Psalms, Praises, Short Stories, and observations whose foundation are the Holy Scriptures utilizing Proverbs 31 as its central theme based on the Virtuous Black Woman. Mr. Blake's writings are in essence a global dedication unto African/Caribbean/African-American Virtuous Women who everyday exemplify the proverb of the wise Woman who builds her house with peaceful dignity.
BPM: What is the inspiration behind your book, Proverbs 31:The Virtuous Black Woman?
Ans: My inspiration is drawn from the resiliency and persistent determination I have witnessed in the depth of character from my own Mother to African/Caribbean/African-American Women during my world travels.
BPM: Why do you feel that the topic of this book is relevant at this time?
Ans: I feel it is arguably factual that at no other time in history have black women faced such a daunting foe of mis-characterization and victimization since the trans atlantic slave trade.
BPM: Why was this book specifically targeted to Black Women or Women of Color and not all women?
Ans: Regrettably, black women particularly in the United States still constitute the highest “negative” statistics belonging to women. Whether in the areas of health, incarceration, leading single parent households, etc;…
BPM: What is your number one desire for Black Women to take away from your book?
Ans: A renewed sense of value and purpose inspiring them to reassess themselves in the most positive light and moral worth possible in order to both endure and succeed.
BPM: How can my readers obtain a copy of Proverbs 31:The Virtuous Black Woman.
Russel Blake website address:
Proverbs 31: The Virtuous Black Woman Volume 1 by Russel Blake
Price: $19.99; ISBN: 978-0-615-34398-3
The primary subject matter is Christian Inspiration/Psalms/Spirituality/Self-Help
The primary audience is Adults, African-American, Caribbean/African Women and Men
To place an order, please order at
Email Monica Hart, Director:
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