Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Joyce Fields has been in love with reading and writing virtually all her life. Joyce coupled her love of writing with her desire to help people improve their lives, resulting in her authoring six books. Here, she discusses one: The Best Way to Keep a Man is to Let Him Go (among other things).
In The Best Way to Keep a Man is to Let Him Go (among other things), Joyce shares her experiences and observations, based on a 53-year relationship (43 years of marriage) with the same man--and the fire is STILL hot, hot, hot! Based on these experiences and observations, she thinks that 80% of the success of a relationship rests on the shoulders of the woman. The book explains why. Joyce has included 21 pages of her own recipes at the end of this 64-page book. The preview and rave reviews are accessible at the Web site that she shares with her sister, Anita Jones, who is also an author.
What inspired you to write this story?
I was inspired to write this story because so many females seem to be in love with love and don't understand that, as young girls, many of us dream and talk of the day when we will be married and have kids, but boys don't do this. Young men don't dream of becoming husbands and fathers. We have to show them that the relationship is worth it.
What issues in today's society have you addressed in the book?
The high divorce/break-up rate could be lower if more females understood that men do not mature as quickly as we do. Women must find happiness within themselves; they cannot expect a man to make them happy. Men can enhance our happiness; they cannot create it.
What writers inspire you and why?
I am inspired by Dr. Maya Angelou and Dr. Wayne Dyer because they both speak to the spirit of the individual and inform us of the immense power that we hold due to our connection to God.
What did you hope to accomplish by writing this particular story?
Based on the reviews, this book is accomplishing what I hoped it would: to give females some tips on building and maintaining a healthy relationship with their man. To get the ladies to understand that they cannot expect to make hefty withdrawals if they have not made hefty deposits into the health and peacefulness of their relationship with their man.
Share with us your latest news, awards or upcoming book releases.
I have written and released five other books. The previews and reviews for all of them are available at the Web site. The non-fiction titles are: Mother's Dozen: An Easy Recipe for Raising GREAT Kids! This book is also available in Spanish. The Spanish title is Madre Docena: iUna Receta Facil Para Criar a Ninos Magnificos!, THE VISION: Telling Kids That They Can Make the World a Better Place, and Line of Serenity. One children's fiction title: Jette Black and Her Seven Friends.
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