Fall 2009 Authors Spotlight

EDC Creations, The Sankofa Literary Society and The Black Authors Network announced the launch of their 2009-2010 "Give the Gift of Knowledge Campaign," bringing readers and authors together to help improve literacy. In 2004, during the Christmas holidays, Ella Curry, the founder of EDC Creations, reached out to women's groups and literary organizations to help promote early literacy by giving new books to children from low income homes.

Today, the "Give the Gift of Knowledge Campaign," seeks to expand even further! “Based on the “each one teach one,” model, our goal is to help people introduce reading and new books to their family and friends,” says CEO and founder of EDC creations, Ella Curry. “Instead of giving expensive gifts that don't shape lives----let's “Give the Gift of Knowledge” and help to strengthen our future generations!” Please give books as gifts this holiday season. Donate books to your favorite charity or family in need. Listed below are just a few of our suggested books that would make great gifts.

Fall 2009 Authors Spotlight

Purchase books by the authors on the 2009 Fall Holiday Book Tour