Christian Fiction Blog ( ) is
five years old now and will begin kindergarten next month. In
celebration of her first school year we are inviting you to come to
class with us.
CFB's 30 Days to Build a Better Book Blog Event begins September 1, 2009.
I will teach you:
* How to set up your blog
* Where to find free blog templates that makes your blog look more
* Why RSS Feeds and burning your blog is important
* What is SEO and tips to get your Blog SEO optimized
* Different types of blogs and the blog readers who read them
* Blog Content Basics
* Scheduling
* Microblogging using Twitter and Utterli
* The Power of Video
* A listing of publishing houses seeking book bloggers
* Other sources for free books to review
* How to write an online book review
* How to become an Amazon Affiliate
* How to become an affiliate for the major bookstore chains
* How to become a Christian Fiction Blog Affiliate(yeah, that's new)
* Blog Tour Creation and Membership
* Podcasting and BlogTalk Radio
* Why Pretty Blogs Get More Readers
* Bookmarking your Blog with Digg, Mahalo and three other good ones
* Cracking Technorati
* Membership Blog Hosting
* How to translate Facebook Followers into Blog Readers
* Forums and Community Building
* Troubleshooting your Blog
* How to write a post in 10 minutes or less
* Why authors should make their blogs their online hub
* Chatting on your Blog
* 10 Big Mistakes Book Bloggers Make
* How to Monetize your Blog
* Bookish Social Media Sites and How to Leverage your Blog through them
* and more and more and more...
The Details and Goal
Each day I will give you an assignment and you come back to the blog
and post your homework for other members in the community to see and
comment. 30 Days will also have a forum at Christian Fiction Network
and our Facebook Fan Page Profile for you to participate and get to
meet other members of this 30 Day Event. I will kick off this event by
hosting an Atlanta tweetup here to meet some of you guys before we
begin and then meet more of you who are women bloggers this October at
Blogalicious Weekend(please register before next month.)
For authors, agents, publicists and publishing houses that blog you
need to get to the Blogalicious Conference to meet professional
bloggers who are women of color. If your target audience is women of
color, then these are the women you need to begin building a
relationship with. If you are a new blogger and you want to learn how
to monetize or leverage your blog or meet me, then come one meet me
Now, here is how you participate....
To ensure that you are committed and to help hold you accountable for
participating I need you to complete four tasks:
1. Email me at deegospelpr at gmail dot com with:
* your name
* email address
* twitter handle
* facebook profile url
* blog url
* blogtalkradio account url if you have one
* utterli account url if you have one
* book genre(s) you blog about
* books you would like to read
2. Blog about this event on your blog or send a Tweet about this event
on Twitter
3. Place the link to this event in your Facebook Profile with the
words I'm building in 30 Days.
4. Finally join our Facebook Fan Page.
I will set you up and tell you the next step to begin.
When you give me this information I will not share it with anyone or spam
you with a lot of junk or subscribe you to Christian Fiction Blog. It's purpose
is solely to communicate with you and give your your daily homework
and lession. I will also partner you up with a book blogger in this
community. If you refer a friend to this free event, I will send you a
free treat.
If you have any questions, contact me at deegospelpr at gmail dot com
or tweet me @deegospel.
Dee Stewart
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