American Dowry by Mozell Fleming

American Dowry by Mozell Fleming

Stentorian love songs

Black again to shatter the lies
they told to discourage you...
truth lies.

Beauty that they failed to see
failed to recognize.
Lost in Pandora’s eyes.

Be wary

When fools become wise
the truth is set free.

No longer can Styx run over me

only when…. I look into eyes.

Eyes that are ready to see.

One fell away


The other shunned

Self-esteem, pride, and the dreaded past
was then, is again …at last

The truth set free

Hidden behind the lies
of the carrion that came to devour me… mine
to prick my soul to bleed my eyes

The tears that ran like rain
and I swore to God that I would not fall
I'd never love again...

Then, I looked at you.
Your skin so smooth and fit so tight
I could scarcely attempt to breathe.

I asked myself if you
were there with me
now as well as then... again I look

Again I see
The forbidden fruit that grew

From the lies

From the death
Life found

The seed of all the good
that they have overlooked
I’m delivered a child from gorgons’ womb

A peach...from history…. Hymeneal race

All one need do is see.

by Mozell Fleming January 9, 2009

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