There's More to Opryland than just music. Award winning author, talk show host, and inspirational speaker Cheryl Lacey Donovan among speakers at The National Writers' Empowerment Conference
PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 02, 2009 – Hundreds of novice and seasoned writers from all across the country will converge on the Holiday Inn Select, Opryland/Airport in Nashville, TN to attend the Fifth Semi-Annual National Writers’ Empowerment Conference and Book Expo. Among them, award winning author Cheryl Lacey Donovan.
Donovan's topic: Organizing yourself to Write a Book. "A book is such an enormous project. It can be difficult to know where to start. Outlining your book ahead of time will help you to clarify your own thinking about your subject matter before you get started. It's during this process you figure out what you'll say and to whom you'll say it," says Lacey-Donovan author of the soon to be released Ministry of Motherhood. Cheryl's workshop will assist aspiring writers in the development of an outline for their soon to be released titles. Registration is underway for this event.
The 2009 National Writers’ Empowerment Conference and Book Expo will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2009, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, in Nashville, TN. The event will be held at the Holiday Inn Select Opryland/Airport, 2200 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37214. Early bird registration (on or before January15, 2009) is $75.00, full registration (after January 15, 2009) is $95.00. Special pricing for Active Duty Military and/or Veterans is $75.00 and College Student or Teen Registration is $75.00. The registration fee will cover breakfast, lunch, all workshops and workshop materials, as well as entrance to the book expo. For more information about the National Writers’ Empowerment Conference and Book Expo please call Renee Bobb at 615-753- 5647 or e-mail bobbrenee@yahoo.com. Visit the web site at http://nationalwritersempowermentconference.eventbrite.com/
About Cheryl Lacey Donovan Cheryl Lacey
Donovan is an acclaimed author, educator, inspirational speaker and compelling advocate for personal empowerment. Her first book "Women What the Hell are You Thinking: An Inspirational Guide to Becoming a Virtuous Woman of God was released on May 1, 2007 to rave reviews. "Women What the Hell are you Thinking" remained in Amazon's top 10 hot new releases during the entire first two months of its release. Cheryl's new work The Ministry of Motherhood is destined for the bestseller list as it ministers to mothers who are living through what Cheryl has already overcome.
To learn more about Cheryl visit http://www.cheryllaceydonovan.com/. Or to have Cheryl speak at your next event contact her at cheryl@cheryllaceydonovan.com
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About The National Writers' Empowerment Conference
Founded by prolific writer and self-publishing guru Renee Bobb (http://www.reneebobb.com/) , the conference is billed as an event where aspiring authors can not only learn about the book publishing industry, but promote and market their works as well. The National Writers’ Empowerment Conference is uniquely designed to train the aspiring author on how to make the transition from writer to published author. This event provides the information, resources, and training that writers and authors need to write, publish, and market their books.
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