Thank you for joining us on the EDC Creations Black Pearls Magazine. We welcome you! Please take a moment to tell us a little about you. Answer the questions below as a way to take part in our meet and greet. At any time tell us your news and what's going on in your world.
1. What's your name or screen name? Where are you from? What's it like in your town?
2. Do you read alot of books? What genre is your favorite?
3. Who are your favorite authors? What you ever considered writing your own book?
4. What do you hope to accomplish this year? What tools or resources will you use to do it?
5. Share with us your news and information and your website address. Myspace will do.
After introducing yourself, don't forget to return to the magazine. There is alot to see here too! We have tons of author and book club interviews. Check out the catergories and the archives to find interesting stories to read. Remember we give busy bloggers free books, so leave your email address with each post.
Please join in the discussion by leaving your introduction, questions, news, comments or congrats below.
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