Top Ten Books and People That Changed My Life in 2008

You must also have the right resources and relationships. 2008 was indeed a year of change for me personally and professionally and many others! Change was hailed as the popular winning campaign slogan for our President Obama. For me, I fixed what wasn’t working in my personal life and professionally, I changed my business model.
How did I make these changes? Reading. Information does change the seasons of your life – and you can tell where a person is going by the books they read AND the people they hang around. Well, I read some terrific books in 2008 and connected with some great folks.
I’d like to share with you the books that made a real difference in my life this year and some people that had an impact on my business perspective.
Top 10 Books that made a difference in my life
Inspired to Succeed: Wit & Wisdom for Your Unlimited Success by Dr. Stacia Pierce
The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude: How to Find, Build and Keep A YES! Attitude for a Lifetime of Success by Jeffrey Gitomer
Funky to Fabulous: Surefire Success Strategies for Savvy, Sassy and Swamped by Eli Davidson
8 Steps to Create the Life You Want: The Anatomy of Successful Life by Dr. Creflo A. Dollar
Utmost Living: Creating and Savoring Your Best Life Now by Tim Storey
Caught Between a Dream and a Job: How to Leave the 9-to-5 Behind and Step into the Life You’ve Always Wanted by Delatorro McNeal
Get Real, Get Rich: Conquer the 7 Lies Blocking You From Success by Dr. Farrah Gray
Connect: Building Success Through People, Purpose and Performance by Keith Harrell and Hattie Hill
Relationship Networking: The Art of Turning Contacts into Connections by Sandra Yancy
From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, Ebooks and Information Products by Stephanie Chandler
Now of course I read gads of ebooks & magazines, went to conferences, took tons of teleseminars but I also have had some great “coaches” who pushed me and stretched me – and I am better because I listened and followed their advices or watched their cues.
People that made an impact on my life in 2008
Andrew Morrison (
Sherese Duncan (
Connie Ragan Green (
Judy Cullins (
Fabience Fredickson (
Alex Mandossian (
Crystal and Anthony Obey (
Karen Taylor-Bass (
Andria Hall (
Dr. Teresa Hairston (
There are new influences in my life now too – those relationships have come from my social networking sites such as linkedin, twitter, facebook and Chocolate Pages Network. Plus my favorite NINGS.
Where did all this lead to:
My first book – “Synergy Energy: How to Use the Power of Partnerships to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand Your Ministry” written by me and Crystal/Anthony Obey (that’s real synergy!) (and a new talk show!)
My PR Boot Camp Teleclasses & coaching program – thanks to the vision spurred by Karen Taylor-Bass & the PR Distinction.
The creation of new information products from the responses to the survey of Christian authors earlier this year (debuting CDs/MP3, Special Reports, Home Study Kits, Membership Programs, Teleclasses, Webinars, Videos and Ebooks in 2009) – I also want to make my coaches proud! ere
Exciting trips, speaking at fabulous conferences – some even out the country!
Awards! I got more awards this year that I have ever gotten my entire life – I got so many my husband was like, “We need another room for all your plaques.” J
I expect 2009 to be simply divine as well. Yeah, we know there are some major issues going on with the economy – but hey, if you keep the right perspective and expect the best – you’ll attract the best!
If you’d like a list of my 2009 books that are going to set the trail ablaze for YOU – shoot me an email to (I have 10 great ones that you MUST read!)
Pam Perry is a ministry marketing pioneer and expert in the African American Christian market. Her public relations career spans over two decades. She spent the first ten years working in ad agencies, media and has dedicated the past ten to ministry marketing and PR coaching authors. Her company, Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc. has a roster of the most well-known publishers and Christian authors in the industry. She’s the creator of the, a social network for Christian authors. She is also the co-author of “Synergy Energy: How to Use the Power of Partnerships to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand Your Ministry.”
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