Meet Author Lonnie E Pruitt
Lonnie E. Pruitt stirs the Christian heartstrings with the fantastic book Prayer Is Our Power (ISBN: 9781432732691) a satisfying collection of odes touching on what it means to walk with God. The miracle of nature, the delight of surrendering to the Lord, and the joy of spiritual love are just a few of the many themes touched on here. The more than eighty poems chronicle a range of spiritual experiences—from that first introduction to the Bible to the eventual constant veneration of and service to God—with grace and beauty.
Through it all, Pruitt’s moving verse shows an uncanny ability to harness the music and weight of words. Poems like “Making My Way Like Jesus,” “Count on Me,” and “Headed to Heaven” kindle the spiritual drive, reminding readers of the awesome power and love of God.Inspiring, affirming, and uplifting, Prayer Is Our Power is food for the soul of Christians both young and old.
"We all want to believe in something. I've found the best place to start is to look deep within your own heart. Prayer is the most powerful way to communicate, connecting your thoughts with God. These poems of prayers and messages,will enable you to see and feel the true beauty of life, and in trouble times, remind you that you're loved, by a glorious God.
Lonnie E. Pruitt is a veteran of the U.S. Army and Air Force. “I’m a simple and obedient servant.
Ella: Lonnie, where did you grow up?
I was born in a small town, Hempstead, TX and raised in Houston, TX I started writing poems mostly about love, making up, breaking up, and all the ups and down that usually is centered about that word called love.
Ella: Lonnie, tell us about your new book.
The book I have written, Prayer Is Our Power, actually the title explains itself. There is and always be power in prayer, these poems and the messages I have written, are words not only to comfort the heart, they become tools to build that personal relationship with God.
We all want to believe in something, I’ve found to harness any belief; the best place to start is deep within your own heart. Words about my passion for writing are very simple, God has done so much for me, and to show and display my love and thankfulness, it time for all the children to do their part in do His will. Theory is only the moving of thoughts trying to nail down a reality, while facts are either situations or circumstances, being brought the forefront of what is that reality. In my life so many things have came and passed, but the key to life is not just knowing your name, but truly discovering who you are, without that your sense of direction as no chance to evolve in a beautiful or beneficial outcome.
Ella: Who are your two main characters and what do you like most about them?
My main characters, the children of God, and the almighty spirit, what I like about them, a very easy answer, the love for all, and their well-being.
Ella: What makes your book stand out and would entice a reader pick it up?
This book Prayer Is Our Power, I truly believe that the words was greatly inspired by God, to not only help me, but the help other, it’s a book that will lift your heart, and the words will nurse your pain, in all it’s a book to hopefully put you in a state of mind to thankful for even the little. Making you realize it blessing just to wake up
Ella: Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
The most important thing I would love for readers to gain, is know everyone is going through something, and you’re not alone, because the Lord will always be there for you, with a love greater than a mere thought. With God there are know real surprises, just amazement!
Ella: What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a writer?
What I have achieved has a writer is the joy of giving back, with a strong usefulness in my part toward the betterment of humankind.
Ella: What advice would you give a new writer?
My advice to anyone that has the passion for writing, is to write what you feel, whether it be for joy of it, or on a serious note. Your gift may help to put joy in someone’s life or ever bring a smile to their face. There’s not I would change, in times latter years of my life the path, is beautiful and it keeps getting better.
Ella: What can we expect from you in the future?
What you can expect down the road is a constant effort to write and repeat in voice what God has inspired me to do.
Contact author Lonnie E Pruitt
Phone: 281-501-3585