Intimate Conversation with Victoria Thomas Poller

Meet Author Victoria Thomas Poller

Being married to a military man means you will get to travel the world and see places that others dream about. While going to these different locations you dream of what you want to do once all of this travel is done. Mrs. Victoria Thomas Poller was a fortunate young lady, who following her husband from military base to base. The difference occurred during her stay in Bitburg Germany; where this soon to be multifaceted business owner would begin getting her instructions and guidance that has her touch many lives with a simple book entitled “Where Did That Come From”.

While attending a base lead worship service, Victoria found the love of GOD and began to study and follow His teachings. Once her family relocated to Clovis, NM she began to take classes through RHEMA Bible Training to gain more understanding on what GOD wanted her to do and which direction GOD wanted her to go. The experience revealed to her how others within the Clovis community had a need to network, and the Clovis Christian Business Directory was born. For three years Ms. “V”, as known in the community, collaborated with all of the local business owners, churches and non-profit organizations to get them to put their ads in the directory. It generated new business for the Clovis community and brought the neighborhood closer together.
In 1994 – 2000 while working at Bealls Department Store and then opening her own cosmetics store, there was a lot of time on her hands in between customers. At this time the Lord was preparing her to be her own boss again, and to be able to influence others with His words through her. She admits that she did not understand exactly what was going on, but she was willing to trust GOD while He led and directed her.

She is the Dear Abbie of the Christian Circuit and can be reached on her website at

Intimate discussion with Ella Curry of EDC Creations and Victoria Thomas Poller

Ella: What makes your book stand our and would entice a reader to pick it up? And ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your books?

Where Did That Come From? I Never Thought of It That Way is a non-fiction book that some people describe as a narrative collection of “disjointed thoughts.” One piece may not have anything to do with the previous story or the next account of events, but it contains anecdotes that will make you say to yourself, “She’s talking about me again.” You, the reader, can either say, “Ouch” or “Amen.” I know that I have said either one or the other myself.

It is not a novel that sticks to one subject, but it is a variety of thought-provoking topics and nuggets of information such as rituals that occur in church that you may not understand, how to act in public, what to do when you don’t want to hold your peace, how to treat other people, how to approach the ten commandments, getting in touch with yourself, getting close to God, and much more. There may be some things, which you’ve heard before, and there may be some new revelations that make you say, “Hmmm?”

You May Be Down, But You’re Never Defeated. Just as a fruit tree branch is heavy, when laden with fruit; so too are our lives sometimes heavy with problems. We sometimes bend under the pressures and strains that life brings us. We get depressed. We lack self-confidence. We don’t trust people. We say that we can’t take it anymore. We need a solution to our dilemma.

When things like this happen to us it’s good to know that someone else has gone through the same or similar situations as you have; and that they have made it through. You too should be able to identify with this book and make it through life’s journeys. You are not alone. You can make it with confidence. You can move your mountain that have kept you back. You can be an over-comer through Christ Jesus, the deliverer of all our problems. Learn how to stand tall like the majestic French Maritime Evergreen Pine trees (pictured on the cover) that sway in the midst of any storm. Bent But Not Broken will help you to enjoy what God has for you despite what the circumstances may look like. “You will bend, but you won’t break.” It’s like the old toy commercial, “Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down”. We may be tossed to and fro in the wind, but with our feet firmly planted in Him; we won’t fall down.

“These two books will guarantee your success if you take time to read them and put the information you’ve read into action.”

Ella: Victoria, finish this sentence: I am Powerful because…
“I believe and trust in the One who holds all power. I am, because God is… (read Scrumdidileyumschious! – Where Did That Come From? Revised) …He’s all that, and He made the bag of chips”.

Ella: Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." Was there ever a point in your career, when how your life didn't match the theory? And how did you change the facts?
“Sure there were times when problems seemed to be overwhelming, yet when I continued to hold on and trust the One who said that He doesn’t play favorites (Acts 10:34); that’s when God usually shows up & shows out.

He did it for me in “Bent But Not Broken” and also in the excerpt entitled, “I Acknowledge You” out of Where Did That Come From?-Revised”. I guess that I’m living proof that, if you hang out long enough and trust God; then He changes the facts to fit the theory, no matter what it may be”.

Ella: What advice would you give a new writer? Would you change anything about your journey?
“Writing, just as anything else that you do, has got to be your passion. You’ve got to like writing. You know you’re a writer when you write about something almost every day. You enjoy what you’re doing. Keep a pencil and notepaper handy everywhere. You never know when an inspiration may come to you and you need to jot it down. No matter if it’s scrap paper, sticky notes, or napkins; write the idea down and develop it while it’s fresh in your brain. Read and associate with others that share your passion of writing.
May I suggest: , and steppingstonesforwriters/index.htm as a start.”

“I would not change anything about my journey through this life except for tightening my seat belt and continue to enjoy the journey as I have been doing” ;)

Ella: What can we expect from you in the future?
Chil’!, Let Me Tell U Somethin’ Spring 2009

“Bent But Not Broken”

“Where Did That Come From? revised” Coming soon 2008
Contact Victoria at:
Ms. “V” (Victoria Thomas Poller)