by Tinisha Nicole Johnson

This year by no means has been a year like we haven’t seen in a long time: Economic crisis, financial problems, foreclosures and loss of jobs. However, all is not lost, you can get back on your feet and you can do something about it. How about an annual financial check up?

We get check ups on our cars, our houses, our bodies and even our pets. So wouldn’t it only make sense to get an annual financial check up on our life?

We all have dreams and goals. However, certain financial obstacles may put a dent or act as a stop sign against our plans to achieve those goals.

There are many financial changes that can typically occur in any given 12 month- period: being laid off of a job, retirement, a natural disaster, a major purchase, an illness, the birth of a child, a marriage, a divorce, a death, cost of college, providing care for an elderly parent and so forth.

What does it mean to get an Annual Financial Check up?
Simply put, it is an annual review of your financial status. Typically, Financial Planners will collect a client’s data (check stubs, checking & credit statements, titles for homes, tax returns, insurance policies, etc.), prioritize their goals, examine resources, make recommendations and implement a plan according to the client’s needs and personal goals.

Whether you are single, married, or have a family, you should want to be in charge of your future. It’s vital to set both short and long-term financial goals. A Financial Planner can help you to achieve these long term goals. Regardless of what your financial situation is, there are Financial Planners who specialize in a variety of areas and cater to your financial needs.

How can you locate a Financial Planner ?

There are plenty of Financial Planners out there and the relationship you have with a Financial Planner will be very personal. So in addition, also be wary of people who call themselves Financial Planners. A genuine Financial Planner is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) that is regulated with the state, has an ethical obligation to act in your interest, has no ethical violations against them and follows a Code of Ethics, which consist of: Integrity, Objectivity, Competence, Fairness, Confidentiality, Professionalism and Diligence. The Financial Planner may work as a Sole Practitioner or with a company. The Financial Planning Association (FPA) and the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP) both provide listings of Certified Financial Planners throughout the United States.

What can you expect from a Financial Planner?

You can expect them to review your current financial situation thoroughly and honestly. Additionally, they will provide a financial portfolio for you. Depending on your needs and wants, they will help you stretch out the money you already have and can even help you invest the money you are earning. A Financial Planner is interested in helping you meet your long term financial goals for the future.

Lastly, have more control of your financial future in this unpredictable world. It is always important to save – even just a little bit for a rainy day. And allow an annual financial check up to be apart of your future.

Side Bar:

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.

Financial Planning Association

About the Author:
Tinisha Nicole Johnson
resides in Denver, Colorado. She is an author, writer and poet. When it comes to writing, Tinisha ventures into many aspects of the writing scale – from articles to novels. Lastly, she also hosts political teleconferences. Learn more about the author at her website: