Oh What a Night!
Is this real?
Can this be?
Could we really have a
President who looks just like me?
I want to believe…
Oh wouldn’t it be great
To live in a place
That has no hate
I can feel the tears
Running down my face
As we embrace a new day
That just won’t wait,
As I rise from bended knee
To a full proud stand
I actually believe it now
Yes we can!
What could be greater
Than this wonderful night?
Is unity possible?
Is equality in sight?
This feeling is overwhelming
No mere words can say…
The only thing better than this night
Is tomorrow’s brighter day,
As the old empire crumbles
Under the new millennium’s might
I smile to myself….
Oh What A Night!!!
Can this be?
Could we really have a
President who looks just like me?
I want to believe…
Oh wouldn’t it be great
To live in a place
That has no hate
I can feel the tears
Running down my face
As we embrace a new day
That just won’t wait,
As I rise from bended knee
To a full proud stand
I actually believe it now
Yes we can!
What could be greater
Than this wonderful night?
Is unity possible?
Is equality in sight?
This feeling is overwhelming
No mere words can say…
The only thing better than this night
Is tomorrow’s brighter day,
As the old empire crumbles
Under the new millennium’s might
I smile to myself….
Oh What A Night!!!
Phylydia Hudson, Author Chi Town Twist