Intimate Conversation with author Frankie Nicole
Scratches is a page-turner and a fictional book for ALL - young, old, male, female, rich, or poor. The storyline is a series of interesting and dramatic episodes that are real to everyday people. Charlie Carrington, the protagonist, unexpectedly befriends the characters, which are woven throughout the book, to help them deal with their emotional scars of a failed professional sports career, abandonment, incest, cheating, job termination and so much more.
The inspiring message is to help you understand your purpose and empower others to have healthier lives by overcoming pain or "scratches" that occur in life. We do this by forgiving others, loving unconditionally, becoming responsible, facing adversity, learning life lessons, and understanding that "this too shall pass".
Scratches is a thought-provoking book and is written as a series of episodes intended to initiate discussions about predicaments in life - because books and life are meant for sharing. Also, I want to promote a clean message for young and adult readers; therefore, this book contains NO explicit material or profanity.
EDC: Frankie Nicole, tell us about yourself.
FN: I am an author, who has aspirations of writing as a living or creating a short film and/or writing for a major network or studio. I believe that God has equipped me and everyone with spiritual gifts that we must cultivate in order to live a full and rewarding life. I am a graduate of the Maryland University, College Park with a MBA. And I am an experienced healthcare and marketing professional, who has served in roles in a consultant and manager capacity. Also, I believe that we all should volunteer and help others and I love to travel and meet new people.
EDC: Where are you from?
FN: I was born and raised in New York City and in a small town called Rose Hill, North Carolina. I currently reside in Washington, District of Columbia.
EDC: Tell us about your passion for writing.
FN: My interest of writing came when I was young and privately read W.E.B. Dubois and Judy Blume’s books with several classmates; therefore, as a hobby, I would create and write in my spare time about fictional and non-fiction subjects. Then, after high school, I began writing for The Wallace Enterprise – a small newspaper company in Wallace, North Carolina, as a correspondent. I’d realized early on that my paid writing experience and its limited source of income was not conducive to making a living, especially since I was beginning college out of state.
However, readers would request additional articles and complement me on my writing style and stories, yet I choose to put writing on the back burner and to keep it as a hobby, despite its therapeutic effect and it relaxed nature. But then, I submitted a rebuttal to Essence magazine and they published it in their article section, when Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston were on the cover. Then, my hobby started churning my desires to write and create stories again for the newspaper. Nonetheless, writing is a gift that I will keep on honing; and telling stories is a talent that is part of my growth and learning curve. I welcome and love to know that my stories have made a difference because it is to be shared with others.
EDC: Who are your two main characters and what do you like most about them?
FN: Charlie Carrington, the protagonist is a main character, who interacts with the other characters throughout the book. I like Charlie because she is a good-hearted person who believes in helping others and improving her life after adversity - she's resilient.
EDC: What makes your book stand out and would make a reader pick it up?
FN: A few things, the title itself, “Scratches” because it’s sounds intriguing. Secondly, the book cover design is vivid and eye-catching because its representative of people. And at last, it's a book that everyone can relate to at some point in life because we all have been through episodes in our life that have left scratches from a verbal, physical, emotional, social, or etc .... situation. Scratches is also a book that contains no profanity or explicit material.
EDC: Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
FN: I want readers to understand that scratches in your life can transcend across all barriers, regardless of your sex, ethnicity, affiliation, or background. You could be the bum on the street or the one living in a million dollar home and have scratches in your life that have hindered your growth. However, overcoming these atrocities is possible with the help of God, faith, therapy, and a positive will.
EDC: What is the one most surprising thing you have learned in creating novels?
FN: It can be a lonely journey that requires a lot of work, discipline, tenacity, and dedication in developing the characters and the storyline to create the final product – your novel/book.
EDC: What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a writer?
FN: How did you do it?Introducing my voice and message, by turning pages of notes into a finished, published book. I’d completed my task by just being persistent and never giving up in what I believed would be a good book for prospective readers.
EDC: What advice would you give a new writer? Would you change anything about your journey?
FN: My advice is to approach this task as a business, so research, network, promote, write daily, and be open to the unexpected that can delay the development of your project. No, I wouldn't change anything about my journey because my do's and don'ts have been a learning process to allow me to become a better writer and author.
EDC: What can we expect from you in the future?
FN: Promoting the rise of Scratches in 2009 with different ventures, so that I will not limit my market and readers; another book or possibly a sequel to Scratches; and to expect the unexpected with stories and subject matter. I look to become a voice in the industry and to enrich the lives of others.
Mail/Email inquiries to:
ANESCO Enterprises
Frankie Nicole, author
Post Office Box 29513
Washington, DC 20017
FN: Promoting the rise of Scratches in 2009 with different ventures, so that I will not limit my market and readers; another book or possibly a sequel to Scratches; and to expect the unexpected with stories and subject matter. I look to become a voice in the industry and to enrich the lives of others.
Mail/Email inquiries to:
ANESCO Enterprises
Frankie Nicole, author
Post Office Box 29513
Washington, DC 20017