How to Prevent Youth Violence

What You Can Do To Prevent Youth Violence

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Who is at risk for youth violence?A number of factors can increase the risk of a youth engaging in violence. However, the presence of these factors does not always mean that a young person will become an offender. Risk factors for youth violence include:

  • Prior history of violence
  • Drug, alcohol or tobacco use
  • Association with delinquent peers
  • Poor family functioning
  • Poor school grades
  • Poverty in the community

Strategies for Preventing Youth Violence
The ultimate goal is to stop youth violence before it starts. Several prevention strategies have been identified:

Parent- and family-based programs improve family relations. Parents receive training on child development. They also learn skills for talking with their kids and solving problems in nonviolent ways.

Social-development strategies teach children how to handle tough social situations. They learn how to resolve problems without using violence.

Mentoring programs pair an adult with a young person. The adult serves as a positive role model and helps guide the young person's behavior.

Changes can be made to the physical and social environment. These changes address the social and economic causes of violence.

Note: This is a partial list. For more information, see