Meet Dwayne Vernon

My Man, My Boyz by author Dwayne Vernon

Where are you from?
I was raised in Oklahoma City and Portsmouth, Va and I am currently residing in the DC/MD area.

Who are your two main characters and what do you like most about them?
My two main characters are Chuck and Tariff. Chuck is my favorite character of them all. I like his honesty and I am in love with his value and commitment. Chuck has this swagger about himself as well that makes him very appealing and attractive.

I like Tariff as well. But one of the other characters who’s name is Demetrious. Even though he may not be a lead character. I really like his patience. Everybody went to Demetrious and he was like every bodys source for advice.

What makes your book stand out and would make a reader pick it up?

I think the one thing that makes my book stands out it helps educate people. This book breaks the stereo types of Black Gay men. It helps people see us from a different perspective. The book takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions. It helps people to understand why most black men do not come out of the closet.

What is the one most surprising thing you have learned in creating novels?
That my writing style is much different then most writers. I use a lot of cliff hangers throughout the book. I guess you could say my writing style is much like a soap opera. Once you start reading you will definitely understand what I am saying.

Contact the Author
Dwayne Vernon 240-472-0850 or 301-396-3548 or 240-449-9809 Website address:


My Man My Boyz is an intriguing story about men coming together as a family. Their shared lifestyle and compassion for each other is the back drop for this fast-paced drama filled with emotional moments and suspenseful plot twists.

Tyrell and Chuck - Will this promising new relationship be destroyed by Chuck's secret past? Does his past have the power to wreak havoc on the interwoven lives of all these men?

Tariff - Struggling to uphold his lover's dying wish for him to find love again; he must come to terms with Demetrius, who waits in the wings. Can Demetrius be patient while Tariff accepts the love he has to offer him?

Mike and Reese - The veteran lovers attempt to maintain their partnership while Mike deals with the rejection from his father, and Reese faces difficulties with getting his NFL career jump started. This mosaic of black men weaves a poignant tale through the chance encounters, human action, and past history of these eclectic characters.

They all have their own issues to deal with, but the bond they share is unbreakable - or is it?

This mosaic of black men weaves a poignant tale through the chance encounters, human action, and past history of there eclectic characters. They all have their own issues to deal with, but the bonds they share is unbreakable - or is it?

Explore the Excerpt
Unconsciously, James reached for the cell phone. Just as he grabbed the phone, Curtis nervously pulled the trigger, firing a deadly shot to James' abdomen. For a second, James thought he'd been punched, but when he touched his stomach he felt the sticky warmth of his blood.

James was shot. He struggled to stand, but collapsed to the pavement. Shock and fear began to choke him and everything began to turn white.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Why that niggah have to move, huh? Why he have to move?" Curtis yelled hysterically, knocking himself in the head with his hand. Chuck sat in the car, petrified, his head buried in the spokes of the steering wheel. He kept repeating to himself, "What did we
do? What did we do?" "Man, come on, let's go! You done killed dude we gotta get the fuck outta here! Come on niggah, let's go!" Carlton said, pulling Curtis away from the scene and into the waiting getaway car. "Move niggah!" Carlton snapped, pushing a catatonic Chuck out of the driver's seat.

With Curtis' head spinning a mile a minute and Chuck whispering prayers to himself, the three drove off, hoping that the horror of the last five minutes was nothing more than a terrible nightmare.

James heard his cell phone ring for the second time. He momentarily blocked out the sleepy sensation that was overtaking him. He struggled to pull himself up on one elbow to answer the familiar ring.

"Baby, where are you, you should have been here over 10 minutes ago," Tariff said chuckling with mock annoyance.

James heard the words in his head and struggled to make them leave his mouth. Finally, he faintly heard himself say, "A couple of blocks away near Elm Avenue, I've been shot!"
Tariff felt the shot of adrenaline and panic hit him. Before the words had completely settled in his brain, he yelled, "I'm on my way baby, hold on, don't hang up!" Tariff sprinted up the street toward where James lay dying. His pace didn't affect his dread-drenched words of support to his soul mate. He didn't want to lose the sound of James' voice.

When Tariff reached James, his body dangled between the car door and the ground. He desperately looked around to see one of the neighbors coming around the corner. Tariff yelled for her to call 911 as he slammed his own cell phone to the ground and ran to James' side. Tariff slid down next to James and put his upper body in his lap as he waited for help to come.

"I'm sorry to spoil our anniversary, baby," James uttered with short breaths, his eyes almost completely closed.

The sound of James apologizing shattered Tariff's heart. "You didn't spoil anything baby. We're goin' to have plenty more to celebrate," Tariff said, tears streaming down his cheeks. James could feel the life force slipping out of his wounded body. James suddenly started to see
a warm soft light, and the sound of Tariff's voice grew muffled and faint. He fought to look at Tariff, but his vision became blurry and all he could think about was whatever was waiting for him on the other side.

"Listen, Tariff," James dribbled out, "I want you to know that I have always loved you and I always will. Baby…" James paused before continuing, "if I don't make it I want you to know I will still be with you. As he felt his heart drumming to a slower beat, he finally said, "But I want you to love again, okay?"

Tariff shook his head from side to side in disagreement, not wanting to hear what James was saying to him. "Don't talk like that James, just hold on for a little longer. It's going to be alright. You're not going anywhere." Realizing that time was rushing by, Tariff looked up frantically,
eyes darting from corner to corner, wishing to see flashing lights and hear siren sounds of hope, but there were none. The cool and eerie silence told the story. As Tariff looked back down at James, he had closed his eyes. They would never open again. Rocking James in his arms, Tariff cried and kissed James' lips.

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GBM Book Club is a literary group created by and for us as same-gender-loving men of African descent where we gather to be culturally affirmed and empowered. We focus on the advancement of self-love, social consciousness and critical thinking skills that will not only allow
us to overcome, but also transcend the conditions facing our community. We are primarily educated through literature by authors of African descent which recognizes and promote diversity within the African Diaspora.

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